TXT- Change For Me- Part One

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Hyuka's services were pretty standard. For one day, for the right price, he could be whatever you needed him to be. A friend, a lover, a getaway driver, or even yourself, all for a full 24 hours.

Soobin thought he was a myth.

A shapeshifter no one has ever seen the original form of? It had to be. Until Beomgyu introduced his friends to one. "Hey! This is Hyuka! Wait. That's your name right?"

"Sure. Let's go with that."

"This is Hyuka! I hired him to be me yesterday and you guys didn't even notice! Isn't that cool?!"

Taehyun was almost offended as he spat "you did what?!"

Beomgyu looked at the blue haired teenager and pleaded "show them! Show them! I still have ten minutes left!"

Hyuka shrugged then transformed into Beomgyu's identical twin. Even his voice matched him perfectly. "Hey guys! I gotta say, I didn't expect to be talking as much as I did yesterday but it was a fun challenge!"

Soobin, Yeonjun and Taehyun stood in Beomgyu's backyard with their jaws dropped. All of them had questions yet none of them could form sounds to equate to words.

Beomgyu was so proud of what he did that he picked his twin up and beamed "I finally have a rival for most handsome person in the world! Me!"

"How? How? How?" Yeonjun slapped the back of Soobin's head so he could finish his question. "How did you find him?!"

Hyuka explained "Beomgyu got my referral card from my last client so he hired me to be him for a day to see if you guys would notice. I'm not sure that was a good use of his money but it's what he wanted."

"Hey!" Beomgyu looked at his impostor with an offended look on his face. "You said I could only get one transformation so I wanted to see if these idiots would notice!"

"Money well spent?"

The other three watched the two Beomgyus argue until Hyuka transformed back into the young blue haired teenager he originally came in with. He then looked at himself and asked "is this form acceptable to you guys? I could change into a woman instead."

"No! This is fine!" Yeonjun was the most freaked out. His brain wouldn't accept what his eyes saw in the last ten minutes.

Taehyun had a million questions going through his head. He could tell Soobin did too so they decided to rapid fire them off. "Can you change into anything?!"

"Pretty much as long as it's real. Even then, if it looks like something real then I can edit my features to get closer to what my client wants. I'm part of an elite clan who can also do what I can. We're spread across the globe. You might've run into another one and didn't even know it!"

"How many are in your clan?!"

"About 20 left. It shrinks every year. We're kind of being hunted. That's another reason why we're spread so far out."

"What's with the 24 hour thing? Can you only change once within that time?"

"I can change as much as I want. I just charge people extra for multiple transformations. Started doing that after someone hired me for their kid's birthday party. They wanted me to change into every animal their kid could name. Never again."

Taehyun's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "How much do you charge?!"

"$2,000 for 24 hours plus an additional $2,000 for each extra transformation request. I don't do weekly discounts or any of that shit. One day and one day only. No one can also hire me more than once a year and five times in their lifetime."

Yeonjun looked at Beomgyu and harshly asked "you paid $2,000 for that thing to be you?!"

"It was my money!"

Hyuka mumbled "told you you didn't use your money well."

"Got me out of school for a day didn't it? By the way, how'd you do on my finals?"

"You aced them. You're welcome."

Beomgyu looked at his friends to mock "see?! While you guys were stressing over essays, I was playing video games and catching up on The Boys!"

Yeonjun grumbled "still a waste of two grand if you ask me."

"Good thing I didn't ask!"

Taehyun pretended like he couldn't hear the two Chois argue. His attention was solely focused on the blue haired man in front of him. "What's your real form?!"

"Confidential. I'm being hunted remember?"

Soobin exclaimed "by who?!"

"Another clan called the Silver Spirits. They basically think we're demons and that the world will not be pure until we're gone."


"Yeah, they're convined we change form to influence society to it's destruction. How else should I put this? They think we tip over the first domino so whoever we need to can fall. Really, we just change for survival because we've been hunted for as long as we can remember."

Beomgyu wrapped his arm around the taller's shoulders and asked "how can they even tell who they're looking for if you can be anything?!"

"They can't. They have to see us literally change to confirm it. We can't tell who they are either until they bleed. Their bodies don't have blood. They run on a pure form of liquid silver which can kill us."

Yeonjun gulped while the other three asked their questions. Silver ran through his veins. Since he was a child, he was told that Hyuka's clan was responsible for all of the horrible things that went on in the world. They raised dictators, caused terrorist attacks and influenced politics towards their goal of chaos in humanity. He hated him. "Hyuka" or whatever his real name is, was another stain to be cleaned so humanity could thrive. He did his best to hide how much he hated him while his friends continued to adore the devil in disguise.

Hyuka noticed Yeonjun being unusually quiet but kept it to himself. On the off chance he was in danger, he decided to cut the conversation short. "It was nice meeting you all! I gotta go to my next client."

Soobin grabbed the card out of Beomgyu's hand and said "I have $2,000! What do I do if I want to use you for a day?!"

Taehyun asked "since when do you have two grand?"

"It's called work Taehyun. So?! Hyuka?! Can I hire you?! Please?!"

Hyuka couldn't shake the feeling that he was in danger. Every time he looked at Yeonjun, his instincts intensified. On the flip side, if he could confirm a Silver Spirit was in his presence then he could warn his clan of the newest discovered location. With hatred in eyes, he looked directly at Yeonjun and said "sure Soobin. I'm available in 48 hours. Beomgyu will tell you where to send the money too."

"Yay! Thank you! Thank you!"

Still looking at Yeonjun, Hyuka asked "do you want to call me something else? You can if you want to. I'm more open minded than some people."

Yeonjun's stare turned from hatred to murderous. "I wouldn't trust him Soobin. IT is probably lying out of IT'S ass."

The other three became uncomfortable from the growing tension between them. Soobin wasn't sure what was going on. None of them were.

Hyuka softened his expression when he faced who he was originally talking to. "Sorry. Maybe this isn't a good idea."

Taehyun protested "wait! Hold on!" as he dragged Yeonjun inside the house. "What the fuck is your problem?!"

"He's not even human! He's a thing! How can you be so okay with this?!"

Taehyun grabbed a thumbtack off of the corkboard and poked his best friend on the arm. Silver bled out like he assumed. "You're apparently not human either."

Yeonjun frantically dug through the junk drawer in the kitchen until he found a bandaid. "You gonna tell them?"

"No but you should."

"Fine." The two looked out the sliding glass doors to see only Beomgyu and Soobin left. Only one question needed to be asked so Taehyun decided to do it. "Where did Hyuka go?"

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