Beomkai- Dark Honey

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"What-what do you want with me?" Beomgyu's knees were killing him as he knelt on the cold concrete floor. The blindfold was tied excruciatingly tightly around his eyes. His temples throbbed loudly in his ears from his veins struggling to pump blood into his brain. The air inside his nostrils was so cold, it stung with each breath. From the sounds of the background vibrations, he guessed he was in a large industrial refrigerator. "WHO ARE YOU?!"

Beomgyu could feel someone's cold breath on his face. Whoever was in front of him, was only inches away. His body tensed from how uncomfortable he was. As bravely as he could, he asked who the stranger was again.

"You fucking idiots. Take his blindfold off."

The stranger's voice reminded Beomgyu of dark honey from the way he sounded. His face stung after the blindfold was harshly removed. Cold was all he felt. Through his frozen eyelashes, he got a perfect shot of the man in charge. The voice didn't match the face. Though the stare was intimidating, he looked oddly sweet like a wolf pup after it's first kill. The situation he was in, still daunted on him when he noticed two shadows standing behind his back.

"You're not who I'm looking for. What's your name?"

"Go to hell."

"Yeah, you're definitely a Choi." The blonde stranger stood up to address his his henchmen. "He looks nothing like Yeonjun! How the fuck did you mistake this guy for him?! You know what? Don't answer! Go get me Yeonjun this time!"

"Yes Kai."

The fridge door shut. Beomgyu was still freezing his ass off in his thin long sleeve and loose trackpants while this "Kai" got to wear a wool trenchcoat and a scarf. "You gonna fucking let me go now?!"

"Right! Sorry about this! You know what they say. If you want something done right, you should do it yourself." Kai whipped out a large 6 inch hunting knife from his boot and began to cut the restraints off. "Hey! Look on the bright side! You'll have a great story to tell your friends and family."

Beomgyu was nearly speechless from how two faced this guy was. Jekyll and Hyde was supposed to be a fairytale. The blonde was the reality of it. He wanted to be as far away from him as possible. Once his restraints were cut, he ran towards the door. His heart sunk when he found it to be locked. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" His palm stung from slapping the frostbitten door. "FUCK! LET ME OUT OF HERE!"

Kai stood against the cooler wall with his arms crossed. "We're locked in. Once they find Yeonjun, you'll be let go. No questions asked. Again, sorry about this."

"SORRY?! SORRY?!" Against his better judgement, Beomgyu walked up to the blonde to give him a piece of his mind. To his disappointment, Kai was much taller than he assumed he was. The volume of his voice increased to compensate for how small he felt. "YOU KIDNAPPED ME AND ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF IS SORRY?!"

"Technically, I didn't kidnap you. They did."


"And you'll be let go after I get who I really wanted. You need to calm down."

"CALM DOWN?!" Beomgyu had to stop himself from beating the blonde up. The large knife in Kai's hand was a good reminder of how dangerous he was. To avoid doing something he would regret, he stood by the door on the opposite corner of the fridge. "What did this Yeonjun even do to you?"

"Stole my car, set it on fire and then fucked my boyfriend."

"That doesn't justify kidnapping him."

"The car was my father's. It was the last thing he gave me before he died." Kai pulled out a small blue velvet box from his pocket and displayed it in his palm. "My boyfriend and I had been together for three years. I was going to propose to him until Yeonjun showed me all the lovely photos of them having sex."

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