TXT- Change For Me- Part Two

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Two minutes earlier.

Beomgyu watched Taehyun drag Yeonjun into his house and joked "what's his problem?"

Hyuka failed to find any humor in it. He couldn't take his eyes off of what he suspected. "Have you ever seen Yeonjun bleed before?"

The two Chois genuinely tried to think about if they had or not. The four had been together since 2nd grade when they all shared the same class. All were injured at some point since but neither Choi actually remembered seeing Yeonjun bleed. Beomgyu confusingly answered "no... you think he's a Silver Spirit?!"

Soobin interjected "there's no way! This is Yeonjun we're talking about!"

Hyuka pointed towards the house when he saw Taehyun stab Yeonjun with something. A small stream of silver dripped down his bicep. He wasn't about to stay with these humans any longer. Without so much as a "goodbye", he bolted away.

Two minutes later. Taehyun walked back through the glass doors with Yeonjun closely under his watch. "Where did Hyuka go?"

Beomgyu and Soobin looked at each other then to the oldest Choi. Beomgyu felt the most protective of Hyuka. He seemed harmless unlike the person he called his friend. "What's it to him?"

Yeonjun rolled his eyes while crossing his arms. "You have no idea where it went do you?"


"Right now it is. No one knows IT'S real form."

Soobin shoved Yeonjun a foot backwards. "What the fuck is the matter with you?! HE can be whoever HE wants to be!"

Taehyun screamed "ALL OF YOU! SHUT IT!" His attention was solely on Yeonjun now. "What are you going to do?"

"Find it and kill it."

"No you're not."

"None of you can fucking stop me."

Soobin whined "what if you're wrong?! What if Hyuka is telling the truth?!"

"And what if I'm right?"

Soobin shoved Yeonjun even further back and threatened "DON'T YOU DARE GO NEAR HIM!"

Yeonjun grinned as he held up the card he picked from the taller's palm. "Shouldn't have done that. See you guys. You'll thank me when humanity finally finds peace."

In the blink of an eye, their oldest friend disappeared like lightning down the street. Beomgyu's first instinct was to call Hyuka and warn him.


"-He's coming for you. He stole your card from Soobin. I just wanted to warn you."

"Turn around."

The group of three turned around to see an older version of the blue haired teenager they saw before. His jawline was sharper. His height was the second tallest only to Soobin and overall, he appeared more mature from the angel they saw before. Beomgyu couldn't help himself. He ran up to Hyuka and wrapped him in the biggest hug his arms could manage. "What are you doing here?!"

Hyuka awkwardly patted Beomgyu's back until the older let go of him. "I came to get my card back but apparently that was a waste of time."

Soobin felt horrible. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you guys on my side? You don't even know me."

The answer was easy to Taehyun. "I think I can speak for all of us that we're kind of against murder. You were honest up front. Yeonjun had us believe he was human for 12 years. I don't trust either of you but I don't trust him more."

Soobin awkwardly asked "what's so important about that card anyways? Can't you just change your phone number?"

"I guess but it's not really about the number. It kind of holds sentimental value."

"Oh... dead relative?"

"Sure? I just need it back."

Taehyun wanted to speed things along. If Hyuka came back then Yeonjun might too and he didn't care to witness a murder today. Looking at Beomgyu, he thought of a crazy idea. "What if you switched places with Beomgyu again? I could keep Beomgyu at my house for a while or he could stay with Soobin until the end of the summer. Yeonjun wouldn't suspect it because of your rule."

"You're putting me under house arrest?!" Beomgyu looked at Hyuka and then looked at Taehyun again. "What about my parents?! They're going to know!"

"Oh shut up Beomgyu. It doesn't take much to be you. All you have to do is talk and talk-"

"Hey!" Hyuka held Beomgyu's hand then quickly let go out of fear. "He's sweet and I love his little rants."

Beomgyu became lost in the blue hair's eyes. His cheeks bloomed into a soft red when they started smiling at each other. "Thank you..."

Taehyun bluntly asked "didn't you guys just meet yesterday?"

"What's your point?"

Hyuka addressed Soobin before another argument threatened to emerge. "Just out of curiosity, what did you want me to change into anyways?"

Soobin's entire face resembled a freshly picked tomato. Too embarassed to say it out loud, he leaned over and whispered it into Hyuka's ear.

Hyuka didn't think it was a big deal. People have asked him to change into worse for their sick pleasures. "It's not that bad. I'm willing to do it."


Beomgyu begged "what is it?! I gotta know!"

"NO!" Soobin was relieved Hyuka was on the same page he was. Asking someone to turn into a real life animated character wasn't his proudest moment.

Taehyun didn't want to know any more secrets about his friends today. Yeonjun's real identity was still something he couldn't get over. He was closer to him than the other two so the betrayal hit that much harder. "We can talk about Soobin's weird fetishes another day. Where is Beomgyu staying while Hyuka pretends to be him? My house is the biggest but my parents are home more often than yours are Soobin."

Beomgyu had flashbacks to when they spent the summer together at a camp. They drove each other crazy during those long three months. Arguments over space, routines and habits were frequent enough to the point of their entire friendship being questioned. He also didn't want to stay with Taehyun either because the Kangs weren't big fans of him after he convinced the younger to sneak out one night. "Why can't Hyuka stay with me? My parents don't come into my room."

Hyuka shook his head. "That's too risky. I don't want to put any of you in danger. You're all very sweet but I've survived on my own for this long. I'll be okay."

Beomgyu grabbed both of Hyuka's hands and held them firmly so the taller wouldn't leave. "Stay with me! At least for a little bit! Let's try it out! Please?"

"I thought you said your parents would know I'm not you. What if I run into them?"

"I'll take care of it! Please Hyuka?! I swear it won't be an issue!"

Against his better judgement, Hyuka mumbled "sure. Just for a little bit. But the second any of you are in danger, I'm out!"

"Yay!" Beomgyu couldn't think of a better way to spend all summer with his newest fascination.

Hyuka only hoped he wasn't making a huge mistake.

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