The Meet

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Finally I was going home. After more than a year. And I couldn't wait to get back, it was bhaisa's wedding. he was about to marry the love of his life, rajkumari Mrunalini, bhabhisa, and I was happy for them. I had just received a letter from bapusa, they were yet to arrive in Simhakshetra when I received the letter 2 days ago, by now they would've already reached.

Bapusa had agreed that it would be best if the bride's family came down to our kingdom for the wedding for convenience. And it was a wise decision. The strain of organizing the wedding of the crown prince of the Simhaksetra empire wouldn't fall on the king of Mohangarh and it would be easy for us to communicate and help in the wedding festivities. Moreover, it was the love bhaisa had for my would be bhabhisa that he convinced our father to have the wedding in our kingdom. Childhood love finally finding it's fruit. Sitara and bhabhisa's sister were classmates in kanyapath, where bhaisa took a liking to the elder Ranawat princess and love blossomed. I never did ask about the middle Ranawat sister, I wanted to but the conversation never steered that way and I never could ask anyone too...but I new this much, everyone seemed to call her Lado in her family, meaning very much loved or darling. However, I wouldn't have to wait much long, I'd meet their family in Simhakshetra when I reach there. The wedding was 5 maas away, still they had come down and I'd get to know her family better. God knows I'm an enigma to them and they'd get to know me too.

Earth to to Simha....I heard my best friend and deputy general Veerbhadra call when I was jolted back to reality from my train of thoughts. I looked at him and chuckled. A tall heavily muscular brute of a man looked back at me wearing a plain brown tunic or kurta and dhoti, carrying a sword with 3 stripes of vibhuti and tika on his forehead and riding the horse beside me, looked back at me. We had been best of friends since gurukul and he was a brother and best friend to me. He challenged me in every way, pushed me to be my best self and had my back no matter what...So when he heard I was about to go to the south of the empire to douse the tension..he immediately signed up. We once had a fierce competition or battle just before passing the gurukul and I had given him the toughest of fights. Our duel had lasted for about 3 hours despite cuts and wounds...even though he did win...he described I attacked him like a wounded lion...and hence....since then...he's called me Simha...many believe it is short for Simhika, but we know.

Yes Bhadra, I'm right here....what is it...I chuckled, riding my horse, the majestic pristine white DEVADATTA, beside him. It was early morning, or praatahkaal and we had stopped the convoy offered our prayers to Lord Surya and performed Sandhyavandana and proceeded. Another hour and a half journey and we would reach the kingdom.

I don't think so, you seem to be lost in some thoughts, what is it, Bhadra asked me eyeing me suspiciously.

Nothing man...just thinking about the festivities that are going to begin back home, we are returning after one and a half years, so I'm excited, I shrugged it off.

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