Rudra takes a risk

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Rudra POV-

I smiled as Bhadra took in the new piece of information, I suspect that it was him, but I need to see the proof myself, and the only hope we have right now is that blue shawl. That is the only thing tied to him at the moment. 

Bhadra and Abhimanyu exchanged looks. But I don't know how to investigate on my doubts yet. We need to think over how to go about it. 

How about we deploy a rakshak commando to tail him? Captain Abhimanyu suggested.

I pondered over his suggestion, I don't think we should be doing that, Captain Abhimanyu. We have already deployed the platoon to tail Dhenuk and his sources. If he gets even a little hint of our actions, we will lose the one lead we have right now. He is extremely cunning....I don't think we should risk it Simha, Bhadra disagreed with Captain Abhimanyu.

But my soldiers are the best in the empire, Kunwarisa. They are trained for these missions. Captain Abhimanyu seemed to take offense of Bhadra's words. They are currently trailing the leads as Kunwarisa ordered. Another crucial lead....I think they can handle it. Moreover, owing to the wedding preparations in a few months, the palace is filled with strangers going in and out of here, they can work in plain sight efficiently. Abhimanyu argued. 

But won't Arjan realise a constant person trailing him after some time, he is really cunning, we cannot afford mistakes, Captain, Bhadra rationlized, as he shot back at Abhimanyu.

With all due respect, Deputy General VeerBhadra, my platoon has mistakes trained out of their system. I can vouch for them, they will get the job done....without mistakes, Captain Abhimanyu said with a raised voice. I listened to their arguments...but when Bhadra was about to retaliate when I stood up....

Enough!! Do not forget we have a common enemy. I looked at both of them angrily. They lowered their heads. All of us have Simhakshetra's safety in our minds. we need to navigate the right way to go about the threat at hand. They nodded in agreement. 

I took my seat and addressed the two of them, Bhadra is right Abhimanyu. We cannot involve the rakshak platoon in this. But we cannot proceed without their help either. Both of them exchanged confused looks. What do you mean, Kunwarisa? Captain Abhimanyu questioned.

My mind was formulating a plan, but I needed their agreement and help in my plan. Bhadra I need you to go and gain information on what Prince Arjan does in a day. I am the one who has seen the shawl, so it is only better if I get a visual confirmation myself. Moreover, we cannot displace anything from his belongings, he will be alerted. 

But what exactly do you plan on doing, Simha? Bhadra asked.

I smiled slightly, I plan on infiltrating his room, it is only logical I might find the shawl there. His room is in this bhavan, so it will be easier. Both of them looked at me as if I had gone crazy. 

What!!! Are you out of your mind!!? It's riskier than tailing him, Bhadra exclaimed. He looked at Abhimanyu for support, he nodded frantically.

Yes Kunwarisa, Colonel Bhadra is right, we can't let you take such a risk. If that is your plan, then I volunteer for it, but please re consider it. Your life is the most at threat from him.....He requested me, trying to convince me.

Yes he is right, Simha. We cannot let you take that risk. He said loudly. If he gets a little hint too, he will plot and make sure he ends your life, Bhadra said, with a tinge of fear and concern for me. I smiled at their concerns.

I understand your concerns. But it has to be me. I need to be absolutely sure. One wrong step and we risk the safety of the empire. Even if we eliminate Arjan, his soldiers will make sure to finish what he started. We need to eliminate him and his army at once....simultaneously. I decided

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