Shawl-clad traitor

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Rudra POV -

I stealthily followed the person clad in the blue shawl, careful not to alert him. He was around twenty five steps ahead of me....he was clumsy, stepping on twigs on the way, which echoed in the forest loudly.

He made way into a more dense path, making it difficult for me to keep track of him using the moonlight. I could just make out his presence with the noise he was making while walking. After what seemed like a pretty long walk into the forest, which was  really a straight walk into the forest, I could make out he was approaching a clearing, nearing giant boulders infront of me. I made sure to stay hidden behind one of the large trees near the boulders, well within his earshot. 

He slowed down near a small cave like opening into the boulders, and emitted a crow's croak. Maybe it was a signal. Thanks to the full moon, I could make out his figure. I stayed hidden behind the tree, awaiting the next event. A man in his late thirties stepped out of the small opening in the boulder, with a mashaal in his hand, his face came into view. He had a handlebar mustache, dark complexion and an average build, almost as tall as the shawl clad person. 

Kya khabar laaye ho?, the shawl clad person asked him, his voice muffled.

Pranaam Ra......, the shawl clad person cut him off. Pranaam vanaam chodo, what news do you have, Dhenuk?

I've got some solid news, hukum. he exclaimed. hukum? he must be nobility. 

I just received news from the my informant from Dravid-desh, he said with a glint in his eyes.

What did he say?, the muffled voice asked excitedly.

He said our plans for a rebellion there is working. The seeds of mutiny have been sown. The nobles have convinced the soldiers there.  Simhakshetra will never see it coming, he chuckled devilishly.

That's great news. I cant wait for it. Whatever Simhakshetra has done to me......I cannot forget it. I will exact my revenge. I will crumble this royal family to dust.....he said scathingly. 

He was someone who wanted revenge on my family, and it was personal for him. Something we did had triggered him to the extent that he had joined hands with the enemy, but who was he? That question nagged me.

Yes Hukum, he said submissively. Hukum......aap....humara.....mera matlab....mera......he hinted at something.

haa haa...theek hai....main samajh gaya, tumhara bheet tumhein jald hee mil jayega, he said dismissively. Dhenuk smiled gleefully. 

I want regular updates, Dhenuk. I'll send you a letter through my men. They'll deliver it to you right here on this spot. So meet me the next night you receive the letter. Did you get me? he asked. Dhenuk bowed and agreed.

The last time I tried overthrowing the emperor, I got so close to my goal, but.......he huffed angrily. I wont make the same mistakes I did earlier. I will reach my goal this time, he said resolutely.

Who was this guy? My mind raced, thinking about all the people who were a threat to our empire. I thought of what he said. He claimed to have come near....almost destroying us. Who was mind raced......then it hit me.....was he......

I'll leave now, don't get yourself caught, he ordered him roughly. Dhenuk waited this person's departure. It took me by surprise and I swiftly moved to keep myself hidden, but in the process, stepped on a couple of dry leaves, eliciting a loud crunch in the eerie silence. 

The person was sharp, he whipped towards where I was hidden. I thanked the gods that the canopy of trees made it impossible for the moonlight to penetrate, encasing the entire forest in darkness. I quietly made my way into the bushes, hiding from him. He checked behind the tree I was hidden. I tried hard to make out his face, but I couldn't make out due to darkness. If the only thing that stood out in everything was....his blue looked expensive....royal too. He departed. I marked an X on the trees on my way back ending at the tree behind which I was hidden. 

Satisfied no one was there....he made his way back into the main palace, thankfully, he didn't see the curtain hanging down the balcony. I waited for a while, to make sure he wasn't back and made my way to my room. 

One thing was sure, whoever this person was, he was really near to his goal....our destruction. And if I was right....then this person was.....but I didn't....couldn't jump to conclusions. But I needed proof. I lied down on the bed, cool breeze blowing through the window. I calmed my mind and formulated a plan.

I needed to station some soldiers at the boulders, someone to tail the person Dhenuk.....and If my suspicions were right....the traitor among us would be known within a few days. I needed to make sure my suspicions were right. I needed to talk to Bhadra and Abhimanyu as soon as possible. Yes....this was right....My mind calmed down.

My meet with Damini came in front of my eyes, her every flinch...her every gasp....every breath....everything was starting to drive me crazy. I wanted to hear them more. I wanted her near me now....I couldn't shake off that feeling. The feeling of her hands.....her doe like innocent eyes....she had started over powering my senses. I smiled. I liked it. 

Till a few months ago, I didn't need have a reason to do my duties, I did it out of my love for my kingdom and it's people, didn't care if I lived or perished in the process, but now.....I wanted to fight the enemies and it seems....for her. She had become my purpose. Everything I wanted to do....was for her. Her well being. Her protection. I wanted to live for her.....with her......I wanted her to become my strength. And she was I felt. those words....those eyes....they held unspeakable strength in them.

With her thoughts...I drifted to sleep peacefully....a peace that lights up the heart.

I woke up the next morning, performed my pooja with guruji. I met Bhadra there and asked him to come meet me in my chamber after a while, with Abhimanyu. I went back to my chamber and got ready for the day. They came in after a while.

I narrated the entire incident to them, including my suspicions. They were shook to their core. 

Simha, what does this mean?, Bhadra asked worried.

We might be at an inevitable war with Dravid-desh, Bhadra. By whatever I heard yesterday, it might take a while, but we will be at war with them, and we need to get ready for it, I said what everyone were thinking in the room.

So do we tell Rana sa now, Kunwarisa?, Captain Abhimanyu asked me. No. We do not have enough evidence for it as of now. We will wait for a few days. This traitor seems desperate, so he will act fast. We need written, as well as live witness against him.

How will we do that? Bhadra asked me, his brows furrowed.

I have a plan. Captain Abhimanyu, form a platoon of your rakshak commandos and ask them to proceed in the north west direction from the balcony of the library. They have to walk straight. They will find I have marked X's on the tree trunks. Ask them to follow that. They will reach a boulder with a cave. They will stand guard there until I order otherwise. Understand? I ordered Abhimanyu. He saluted and nodded.

I will locate the traitor amongst us. After they meet, Dhenuk will definitely contact his informant from Dravid desh. Our spies will get in touch with them and infiltrate the Dravid desh. They will relay us valuable information regarding the troop movements and plans there. I said. Both of them nodded.

But Kunwarisa, how will you locate the traitor amongst us? You haven't seen him either, Abhimanyu asked confused.

Abhimanyu, every mastermind gives us clues himself, we need to be alert and clever enough to catch it, I patted on his shoulder. He still looked confused. The person I followed yesterday declared that this was his second attempt at crippling our kingdom and destroying our family....I looked at  Bhadra and continued, He claimed to have almost successfully destroyed us previously, but.....

A look of realisation hit Bhadra, his eyes widening in utter shock, .....but you foiled his plans, Simha, he whispered lightly. His eyes widened more in shock....

You suspect Prince Arjan is the person you followed yesterday night?, he asked disbelievingly.

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