Tara advises Rudra

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Rudra POV-

So I wasn't dreaming, she actually likes me and she didn't feel bad that I came into her room like that, on the other hand she loved it!!! I was jumping on the inside. This was going to be good!!! I went to my room and changed into my night kurta and went to bed, dreaming about her beauty.

The next morning, after finishing the Pooja and breakfast, I attended a couple of meetings with the members of the council. We had gathered to discuss the establishment of gurukula for girls all over the empire. So they needed to decide on the lands and architecture of the gurukul, every minute detail. Bhaisa and Bapusa were also present. We unanimously decided that all administrative and official decisions will be made by Bhabhi sa, Masa and Tara. We also made it clear that the majority of the staff will be women. This will boost the employment of the women of the kingdom as well as set an example to the future.

We were seated in the gardens, while discussing. I had sent Bhadra over to see if there was any new information regarding our secret mission. I had also wanted a background check on Dhenuk, about his family, profession, everything. It was crucial we succeeded as fast as possible....and he was the link.

Bapusa, Bhaisa and I proceeded to the dining hall. Everyone had already assembled there. I looked at Rajkumarisa and smiled. Her words the other night echoed in my ears and my smile widened. She reciprocated with a sweet smile. We took our places and we frequently stole glances at each other. Nowadays, it was regular that we stole glances at each other.....I tease her so much that her cheeks turned red by the end of every dinner.

I was making my way to the room when, jiji, a moment!! Tara called out to me. I stopped and turned. She jogged to catch up with me. Tara? What happened?.

Jiji, can we take a walk in the gardens? It's been so long since we talked to each other. Shall we ? She asked innocently, but that didn't miss the mischievous glint she had in her eyes. I arched my eyebrows sceptically, then smiled and nodded.

We made our way to the gardens. I waited for Tara to initiate the conversation. I knew she had something on her mind. My sister.... Looks really innocent, but her wit and intelligence is on another level. Jiji, it's been so long since we talked, just the two of us!! So tell me what did you do today.....what did you people decide on the gurukul??

I looked at her surprised. She giggled.
We have decided that the committee prepare all the schematics of the buildings and the plan on how to go about the expansion, construction and administration of the gurukul. They have 3 months of time to conduct surveys and plan an action. We've decided that they do no need to come to us till bhaisa's wedding. Everything will be decided upon after his wedding. And the final call will be Masa's, Bhabhi sa's and yours. Since we're planning almost all female administration and employment, you will take all the decisions regarding it.

Won't you be there Jiji? She asked me surprised.

I'll be here to support you guys at every step Tara, but my presence in the kingdom is never fixed, I might have to go on wars and things like that, so me being on the board will be tedious and just create more complications. But I'll be here any time you need me....Ok? I assured her gently. She opened her mouth to protest but decided against it, sensing the logic behind my decision.

Even to this day, you have your network....hnn? Still keeping a track of all the happenings in the palace huh?? I teased her and she giggled.

She looked up at me with a sense of pride and said, I do!! I'm the Princess of Simhaksetra. I need to do it!! And speaking of keeping track.... I've got an information.....about you, she said eyeing me teasingly.

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