Her first orgasm🌶️

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Saudamini POV - 

My love....I'll make sure you know how loved you are....I'll give you a glimpse of it tonight.... she growled near my throat breathily....unable to resist, I involuntarily clutched her shoulders, pulling her into me.

She was making me feel things I never felt, sensations that I had never experienced, pleasure that was unknown to me. She was intoxicating, her one touch and I was melting....surrendering myself to her touch. She took charge of whatever we were doing and she knew what she was doing

She kissed me once more at the crook of my neck and I shuddered, her lips were hot on my neck, sending shivers all over my body. She didn't anything, just kissed me and I was done. She kissed me over the red mark on the neck she had given me....it stung a little

Sssssshhhh, I hissed in a mixture of pain and pleasure, pleasure soon over taking the feeling.

She immediately kissed it, her hot breath instantly relieving the pain. I closed my eyes at the sensation, feeling at ease. She peppered kisses on my neck for one last time and slowly, withdrew, to look into my eyes.

A shiver ran down my spine looking at her. Her cheeks were flushed, breathing heavy, beads of perspiration adorned her forehead, a small vein popping on her forehead. Her lips had gone red, huffing slightly. I checked her out, my eyes wandered on her strong shoulders braced on my either side, her kurta had string near the shoulder, which had come slightly undone, revealing the muscular shoulder, giving a peak into her collar bones....I bit my lower lip lightly, a funny sensation at the pit of my stomach.....

My eyes wandered on her arms. The kurta had short sleeves, so I could see her bicep....her forearms and most importantly, the scars on her hands....the proof of the separation we went through to get this night. My hands involuntarily reached out and traced my fingers gingerly from her forearms, lingering long on her scars.

She tensed at my touch....and I could feel her breath on my cheek, getting heavier. I loved the effect I was having on her, a small smile formed on my lips. I increased the pace of carressing her arm, marveling how huge her biceps were...how strong she was and how safe and secure I felt in her embrace.

I could feel her intense gaze on me....silently demanding me to meet them. I gingerly withdrew my hand from her arms and rested them. I slowly turned my head...my gaze finally meeting hers....she gave me a small smile, which made my heart flutter and my stomach flip. I looked deeply into her eyes, which had a fire in them...I gulped, seeing her in her primal self I felt butterflies in my stomach....and the fact that she was watching me checking her out....made me feel even more timid....I bit my lower lip in anticipation. 

It's ok, take your time to check me out....I'm all yours...for life, she said smirking at me naughtily. I lowered my gaze at that comment.....stealthily checking her out....

I felt her lean into me....her hot breath fanning over my ears

Now it's my turn... she said in a dominating voice and my stomach clenched, not knowing what to expect. I turned to look at her, she was asking me to give her the go to proceed. I was not thinking straight, desire clouding my judgement and out of all, curiosity got the best of me and I nodded with a shy smile.

Her smirk widened, adorning her handsome face. I fell for this woman all over again....she seemed to hold a complete control over me....something I relished.....

Slowly, hungrily...not breaking the eye contact for once, she moved down, her hot breath fanning over the base of my neck sexily. She gave me one last look and directly kissed the mole over there.

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