I want to be your home

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Rudra POV -

Dinner was a loud affair. After a month, I was sitting at the dining table, eating with everyone. I felt alive at that moment, with family and close friends around, I felt at peace, at home.

My home was sitting right across from me. We were stealing glances at each other the whole time, and every second seemed like an eternity to me. I was getting impatient, I just wanted to ditch dinner at the moment and leave for the library with her... But I kept my cool, I needed to keep a calm composure before everyone, for now.....I thought.

Simha.....are you ok? You're not eating..... Bhadra nudged me. I snapped out of my thoughts, staring at her. Even she grew self conscious at averted her gaze..

Yeah....yeah.... I'm eating, I muttered.

He looked from me to Saudamini and understood and something was going on, he came near my ear and whispered

Whatever you guys have planned, carry on, but for now, keep your expressions neutral infront of everyone, you're staring so much at her, it's too evident.

I cleared my throat awkwardly and concentrated on my food, but I was least interested. My entire attention was focused on Saudamini at the moment. And she was glowing tonight

Maybe it was because of the meet later or was she always this beautiful and I was stupid enough to not notice it, I didn't know. I completed my meal half heartedly and hurriedly got up.

Simha, come with us, let's sit and chat for a bit, Bapusa called me. I groaned in frustration and looked at her, she was struggling to contain her laugh, looking at me impatience. I gave her a raised brow and one last look and went with Bapusa.

Bhaisa, Bapusa, Masa, Tara Atharva and Dhruva were seated in the garden and they were recounting how harrowing it was for them to see me like that and how my recovery was a breath of fresh relief. I got emotional at their love for me. After a while, I excused myself and stated to retire to my room, citing tiredness.

I ran and made my way to the library, anticipation palpable in the empty corridor. With every step I took, my heart beats increased the pace. Finally, when I reached the corridor of the library, I started walking slowly, my soft pace, echoing in the corridor. I saw the door slightly ajar. I frowned, was she in, or hasn't she come yet?

I slipped into the library wordlessly... I saw a glow in the far corner, where I sat the first day we met here. So she was here. I closed the door slowly behind me and walked to the corner, anticipation bubbling within me.

I smiled wider with each step and finally, when I reached there, she wasn't there. There were candles arranged beautifully on the table, with rose petals strewn on them....I felt a wave of need wake within me, everything was here but where was she!!??

I was looking through the book shelves standing near the table when I felt a pair of hands slip under my arm and cup my shoulder from behind.... I felt her front being pressed to my back, I placed my hands on hers and turned my head to look at her but she wasn't visible due to my large back..... I could just get a whiff of her .... She smelled fresh ..... Like roses

Apna mukh nahi dekhayengi aap humein? I whispered.

Humein bhay hai .....aapke netron mein hum kho jayenge....aur Jo kehna tha... Who bhi gyaat nahi rahega humein, she whispered, tightening her grip on me

I chuckled. She was scared and excited

Aur humein aapke netron mein dekhar hee aapse sunna hai, I remained adamant.

She sighed deeply and said in a low chuckle, aapse bhala koi Vijay ho paya hai aaj tak,

Kinthu...Aaj humein aapse parajay hona hai...Damini, I breathed

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