Rudra's past and Bhadra's advice

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Saudamini POV-

I rushed out of her room without looking at her or VeerBhadraji. I was so enchanted with the moment with her that when he came in, I felt like a bubble had burst....bringing us back to reality. But I couldn't get her out of my mind. Her touch....her look....her voice....her face...everything was etched in my mind. I slowed down to calm myself down a bit. Earlier on the ground when she had flirted, I assumed it was just her playfulness....nothing more...still that made my heart race, nevertheless, I had ignored it.

But whatever happened in her room wasn't something playful. It was entirely different. The look on her face when I told her the paste was for her, her disbelief....the sigh of relief, and her bold move, everything made me insanely palms sweaty. The way she gently held my palm....with painless pressure....and how she pulled me closer to her....our faces just inches away.....A blush crept up my cheek, a smile on my lips....

She wanted to know why I had wanted to see her. She wanted me to voice something I was too afraid....apprehensive and equally excited to admit. How the hell was I supposed to tell her...when I couldn't come to admit it myself. But I knew she wouldn't let go of it, she would coax it out of me some day, and the thought of how she might do it sent a shiver down my spine.

I walked towards my room with all these thoughts and bumped into Jiji and Tara. Ladoo sambhal ke....and where were you all this while? And this bowl of paste? Ladoo...are you hurt? she asked with concern, her palm touching my cheek lightly. No no Jiji, I'm alright, I'll tell you later...Let's go to lunch, Jijaji and others must be waiting for us. I said, handing the bowl to the attendee. Tara was looking at me funnily, as if trying to comprehend what happened with me in the past half an hour. I pulled her hand and soon enough, Kritika joined us and we started walking towards the Bhojanalay.

As we stepped in, we could see a large table, dotted with various delicacies. Around the tables were small stools dotted...for us the sit down and eat. We entered and saw Jijaji engrossed in a conversation with Bapusa. Masa and Ranima Durga were chatting in the other corner. Dhruva Atharva and Bhadraji were discussing something. My eyes landed on the rear frame of Kunwarisa, talking something with Ranaji...making him laugh. Her broad shoulders almost hid him behind her. We walked into the hall and Jijaji smiled looking at us.

Rajaji and Ranima stood at the head of the table. We bowed to them with our hands folded and they acknowledged. Kunwarisa turned to look at us, our eyes met...and instantly, her expression softened. She gave me a small smile and acknowledged me. Events of our previous encounter played in my mind and I just gave a shy smile and a nod and looked down instantly. I could feel her eyes on me, but I didn't dare look at up. Her eyes held a million questions and I was in no state to answer them. I sat down with Jiji beside me and Kritika on the other side. Tara sat opposite to me with Princes Dhruva and Atharva on her left. VeerBhadraji sat beside Kritika. Kunwarisa sat on Tara's other side, diagonally opposite to me. Beside her was Jijaji. Ranaji at the head of the table, Ranima beside him. My parents sat beside Jiji. The attendees served us the food.

We started our lunch. There was banter all over the table. It felt so good that my Jiji's family was accepting and loving. We talked about the wedding preparations...people we were planning to invite, how and when to send the invites....the different events and functions...dresses and everything. Slowly, we relaxed into conversation in groups. VeerBhadraji was narrating a particularly funny story to Kritika, Jiji and me. Tara Dhruva and Atharva were in a funny conversation. Ranima was discussing wedding rituals with my parents. Ranaji, Jijaji and Kunwarisa were in a serious discussion.

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