The Assasins' Attack

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Rudra POV - 

What is it Bhadra!!! I asked him agitated. I was angry he had interrupted my moment with Damini....if only her  hadn't come....we could've.....

Wait.....what was Princess Saudamini doing here.....and's're blushing? he asked bewildered.

No... I replied, turning away from him, facing the mirror. I looked at myself. He was right....I had a glow on my face, the glow of face was flushed...the veins on my forehead prominent than ever.

What was Princess doing here Simha.....? and your hand....they are tended to.....what is going on??he exclaimed looking at my bandaged hands.

I sighed. He wouldn't let me go without giving him the truth. I won't indulge into details, but I had to tell him, after all, he was the one who called it first...encouraged he deserved to know it

I confessed to her, Bhadra, I told him sheepishly, smiling lightly. His eyes widened.....he looked absolutely dumbstruck...shocked....Whatt? I asked him suddenly.

After I told her you're an idiot who doesn't acknowledge her feelings, he muttered.

What did you say? I asked him my brows furrowed.

YOU CONFESSED!!! FINALLY SIMHA!!! FINALLY YOU LISTENED TO YOUR HEART AND NOT YOUR HEAD FOR ONCE!!, he exclaimed!! You confessed!!! He bear hugged me tightly. I hugged him back the same way. I felt teary eyed. His happiness for me warmed my heart.

I am so happy for you, Simha! You deserve guys are perfect for each other. I can't wait to dance in your wedding!!, He sounded like an excited kid

Calm down Bhadra! Hold your horses! Wedding!? That's still far away, now it's Bhaisa's wedding...remember.....Moreover, she didn't tell me back, I added grumpily.

His brows furrowed, She didn't? I shook my head. She wanted to, how come she didn't? he thought to himself

She did?!!I exclaimed. She loved me too!! He looked back at me sheepishly, Let her tell you that, I'm not indulging in details.

And don't either, I don't want everyone knowing just yet, let it be under wraps for now, I warned him. The memories of my first attempt at love came rushing back. I will not do the same mistakes again.

I won't tell anyone Simha, but I'm sure Princess Tara will take it out of her in no time, He laughed. I sighed, he was true

Well atleast make sure the elders don't know about it yet alteast not until Bhaisa's wedding, I said, he nodded.

I turned serious and looked at him, Bhadra, increase the vigilance on Arjan....I'm sure he'll want veangence now, I'm looking for a slip on his part and we'll round him up, I planned. Bhadra placed his palm gently on my shoulder and looked at me in doubt.

Be very careful Simha, he is hell bent on targeting you, and today's fiasco will only fuel his need for revenge on you, I will make sure he is under extra survailance , but you need to be really careful, he advised.

Don't worry Bhadra, I'm alert, nothing is going to happen to me. We defeated him once, we'll do that again, he won't know what hit him this time too, I assured him. He smiled though he looked doubtful. I chuckled. He worried too much about me.

So......what did you guys do once you confessed...hmmm? He asked me naughtily, wiggling his eyebrows, I hit him with a pillow and shooed him out of the room, Get out you oaf, not telling you a thing,.....

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