Kiss of Confession

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Rudra POV - 

Ye ashru kyon, phir? I asked confused.

Shw looked down wordlessly, no answer to my question. My palms that were on her wrists, she gently held them and bringing them forward. She supported my bandaged palms with her soft ones, looking intently at them, crying during the process.

She turned my right hand over, looked at the bandaged knuckles. Slowly, she ran her finger ever so lightly over them, it didn't hurt, on the contrary, her touch was soothing. She ran her hands over them, repeatedly. She shifted her concentration to my left palm. She did the same with my other hand as well. I looked at her curiously. What was she doing?

Mere samman ke rakshan ke kaaran, ye sab hua aapke saath, Main.....main.....she was choking. Fresh batch of tears left her eyes. I sighed.

I placed my index finger on her lips gently, Shhssshh, Ab aur koi baat nahi karengi aap. Mujhe kuch nahi hua hee hoga, apne mann se ye nikaal dijiye ki ye aapke kaaran hua, Jo bhi hua.....Woh Arjan ki Niyati thi....hum kuch nahi karsakte, niyati ke saamne, I said convincingly. She looked at me perplexed at nodded. I moved my finger from her lips to and wiped the remaining tears off.....resting my hand over her soft cheeks. She gently took my hand in hers, cupping both my hands in hers. I was curious what she'd do next....I waited.....

She gently brought my hands to her lips and kissed my palms lightly. I felt goosebumps all over my body. I stiffened at her gesture, my eyes widening. My heart beats were all over the place. The thing I had always dreamed of was infront of me, I was so happy. She looked at me shyly, a small playing on her lips. I smirked at her.

She tried to make a run out of my chamber, but I held her wrists tightly, not letting her go, I wasn't going to let her go easily. I could see she was breathing raggedly, out of nervousness. I held her wrists, and neared her slowly, standing behind her. I could feel the heat of her body.

I slowly made her face me, she was breathing heavily, I could see her breasts doing ragged up and down. Her cheeks, ears and neck, everything had turned pink. She hung her head down shyly. I tucked my index finger below her chin, lifting her face. She looked into my eyes timidly, my heart was jumping. The moment I was waiting for was finally here......

My hands aren't the only things hurt you know, I teased her. She frowned. What? where else are you hurt? she asked with concern.

I inched closer to her, she became nervous. She looked at me nervously and with equal amounts of excitement. I inched towards her ear and muttered, blowing mu breath into her, Huhhhhh she gasped at the sudden intrusion.

If I knew you'd kiss and make things better.....I wouldn't have started with my palms you know, I whispered into her ears. She smiled timidly, her gaze averted. As I was retreating back, I inhaled her scent. It was driving me crazy, I wanted her.....needed her.....

Wh...what would you have started with? she asked me expectantly. She looked at my face timidly. I smirked at her and stroked my lips gently. 

Saudamini POV- 

Looking at her stroking her lips gently arose new emotions in me. I was scared but at the same time excited. Finally!!! she confessed her love. I was so happy!! I averted my gaze shyly. I was so shy, I thought of running but her hold on my wrist tightened.

Hum prateeksha kar rahe hai, Damini, she whispered inching closer to me.

Mainn...mainnn....I stuttered nervously. Our proximity was driving me insane. Combined with her sexy cologne and her display of valor, she was all the more alluring to me now. I gasped as she tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear, cupping my cheeks gently. 

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