The interrogation

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Rudra POV -

WHAT'S HAPPENING!!!! WHO WERE YOU PEOPLE!!!! LET......ME.....GO!!!!!!!! I WON'T SPARE YOU BASTARDS!!!! I WILL EXTRACT MY REVENGE...... REMOVE MY RESTRAINTS YOU BASTARDS!!!!!!! Dhenunk bellowed. He was chained to a chair, he was struggling as two well built rakshak guards pinned him to the chair. We were in the secret the outskirts of the Kingdom, known only to me, Bapusa, bhaisa and the rakshak commandos. I stood at the entrance of the cell, letting him stew for a while.

I could hear him screaming his lungs out, but no one would hear him here, around 500 rakshak guards stood around the hideout, in a 1.5 km perimeter. Tired of his hearing, I walked back in, slowly approaching him. Seeing my advancing frame, his struggle increased, trying to lunge at me, WHO ARE YOU..... YOU SCUM, LET ME GO.... YOU DON'T KNOW MY REACH.... I'LL MAKE SURE....... his words stopped abruptly as my face became clear, thanks to the two mashaal, glowing in the dungeon.

Make sure what Dhenuk? Report me.....snatch my title away....I said slowly approaching him....he winced in fear.....I hovered over his chair, coming close to him......Kill me? I whispered dangerously. His eyes exhibited fear....his machoism melting away.... replaced by utter fear.

Ku.....ku..... Kunwarisa.....aap? He stuttered in fear, backing away from my death stare.

I'm sure you know by now, why you are here......who has kidnapped you...... especially after seeing me, I said scathingly. Still.... I'll give you a chance to state it out yourself. Be very careful with what you speak Dhenuk.....We know more than you think we do, I threatened him, he gulped in fear.....he was drenched in sweat....I signalled to Bhadra....he brought a chair and I sat directly in front of him.....he flinched.

Look Dhenuk.....this can go two showed my index finger you can be a good boy and tell us all you know an co operate with us.....or two....I held up my middle finger along with the index finger, and then took out my dagger from it's sheath and ran my fingers along it's blade, looking Dhenuk in the eyes menacingly.

Your family will bear the consequences of your actions. I won't hurt you or your family, but you see these guards standing here....he looked around at them helplessly and looked back at me with his frantic eyes, they will not be as forgiving as I am. So.....make your choice wisely, Dhenuk, I advised.

Ku.....kun...Kunwarisa.....please please let me go ......I.....I...... Didn't do anything..... You...... You must have been mis....mistaken.....I .......beg.... You.....let me go!!!.......I didn't do anything.....he said frantically, pleading me.... Joining his hands. Lying bastard.

I got up, huffed, slowly walked behind him. He whimpered and shivered keeping track of my movements, but the guards pinned him to the chair, making him immovable.

I stood directly behind him. Then in a split second.....I clutched his hair tightly.... roughly and pulled out back.... Bringing my dagger close to his jugular. Don't play with us Dhenuk, we know you work for Prince Arjan in fuelling the rebellion. I hissed in ander, he withered in pain, but I didn't let go, I tightened my hold on his hair, making him scream his lungs out.

From now on, I need the truth.... Only the truth.... Don't even think of double crossing us, we have mentioned stationed outside your word and they will finish your family in their sleep.... They won't even know what hit them.....I threatened him dangerously..... digging my dagger into his throat. please.......I....I....he cried bitterly.

Or I can tell them about Nayana.....his eyes widened with shock. He asked disbelievingly.

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