Rudra punishes Damini🌶️

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I have tried my hand at a little erotic writing for the first time!

Excuse me if it isn't up to the mark, I'll try my best in the upcoming stories!! 

If you are not of age or eligible to read it! kindly do not go ahead!!

Rudra POV - 

I slid my hands around her waist, pulling her closer. I inched towards her beautiful face and stopped barely an inch from her. I gazed at her face, lovingly....longingly.....hungrily. Those doe eyes were glazed. I could see her starting to submit herself to me. I smirked at her. She smiled back lightly, biting her lower lip. I felt a fire ignite within me. I cupped her cheeks and looked at her lips hungrily

You know.....Whenever you do drives me crazy, I feel my control slipping, I whispered.

She chuckled and looked back at me and whispered slowly, don't want me to do it? it..everytime you do it, I feel alive. And right now, I'm feeling more alive than ever, I said sensually carressing her waist, she gasped.

I have dreamed of this moment, here with you, for so long,'re here in my arms, away from the world, I sighed brushing her cheeks. She shivered and smiled.

I was so scared, we wouldn't be here....after the assassination attempt....I....her breath choked and tears flowing.

Shh...enough....tonight we only talk about need to remember the bitter memories....hmmm? I asked her, brushing her tears off. She sniffled and smiled teary eyed and nodded. Once she regained her composure, a naughty smirk adorned my face, a shy smile on hers. 

I slowly encircled my hand on her back, the other behind her knees and lifted her up in bridal style.

AAhhhh....Kunwarisa, she squealed when I lifted her up. She encircled her arms around my neck, hiding her face in my chest shyly. I carried her to the table beside the candle laden table and made her sit on it. But she didn't let go of her hold on my neck, still snuggling near my chest. 

What happened? I asked her in a low whisper. My hands drew lazy patterns on her waist, which made her shiver and tense at every movement.

I.....I'm....nervous, she confessed. I realised the gravity of the situation and slowly, held her arms and moved her away from my body, enough to see her pretty face glowing in the moonlight, She was new to all this and I needed to take care of her.

I cupped her cheeks and made her face me, she was being extremely shy, Do you trust me? I breathed.

I do, more than anything, she said without a second thought. 

Then let yourself free, submit yourself to these feelings and I promise, I will make you feel wonderful, hmm? I said gently stroking her arms. She looked at me with need in her eyes and nodded. 

May I kiss you? I asked for her permission, she just closed her eyes and inched closer to anticipation.

I went in for the kiss, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. Her lips tasted so sweet and supple. I sucked on them hungrily.....passionately....needily. My hands roamed on her cheeks....her neck...her back....her arms. I ran my hand on her body....exploring her curves...registering them in memory. she was so delicate and beautiful. She had round big breasts, flat and soft...alluring waist.

I sucked on her lower lip....sucking on it...chewing it....biting it, Mmmhhhh, she whimpered, but I didn't let her lips go, my control drifting away with each passing moment. I immediately slowed down the pace, kissing her slowly, leisurely....tantalisingly. I took the time to explore her mouth completely. I tried gaining access to her mouth, but she wasn't allowing me, 

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