Meet in the library

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500 views is a big milestone!!!! I started writing to give my imagination a shape, as a hobby but 500 views is the first milestone!!! Thank you all so much!!! keep reading and Keep loving!!

Saudamini POV-

Damini.....that was what she called me in the hut that day. My heart smiled recalling that moment. She was extremely close to me that day. Just us....alone....nothing to disturb us. Her eyes held warmth, calmness......and....a fire....more like a primal instinct. That expression made me shiver. But her addressing me Damini was so calming, a name nobody had thought of calling to my surprise, but she did, and it felt personal.....something just between the two of us. I remembered that moment so clearly. She twisted my ankle and I remember grasping her shoulder tightly. That was a source of strength for me, drawing energy from felt so relieving. 

We had been going to Gurukul for the past two weeks and it was flourishing spectacularly. We were teaching the girls and the Guru ma there helped us in transitioning the teaching aspect to the staff there and it was going on good. It would take us time to handover the first batch completely. We would meet regularly on our trips to gurukul. Our talks spanned over a wide range of topics.....sometimes serious.....sometimes a debate......sometimes funny.....She hadn't addressed me as Damini since the day in the hut, but I could tell our equation had changed. She was more lively...made every attempt to make me laugh.....and more than that...she'd flirt with me and every time, I'd be a blushing mess.....she loved it...still in the back of my head, there was this feel I couldn't shake off that she kept a part of herself a secret.....

On the other hand, Jiji's wedding preparations were on in full swing. We were left with less than 4 months, almost three months. It might feel we had a lot of time at hand, but in reality, our plates were full. The invites were sent out to almost everyone. I suggested we sent out special invitations to people really close to us with a signature from the Empress of Simhakshetra, Ranima Durga. So Tara and I were writing letters of invitation when a guard came in, 

Rajkumarisa, this has come for you from Mohangarh, he handed me a bunch of letters and left. It was definitely from Nakula. I opened the first letter which said that he would be arriving here in the next two to three weeks. I smiled. I tore open the second letter, and a frown replaced my smile.

What's the matter Saudamini? Tara asked, noticing a change in my facial expression.

It's from Nakula. A draft of our trade talks with Kiratpur. Their demands are absurd. I'll have to have a talk with the ambassador of Kiratpur. We have to agree on common terms or the deal is off. They are in need our help, we do not have an obligation. I'll summon him here itself, once Nakula arrives here....if it's ok with Rana Sa. I said angrily.

Tara smiled lightly, I do not think that would be a problem, Saudamini. Bapusa won't object, on the other hand, calling the ambassador here will intimidate them, you will have an upper hand.

I nodded my head in agreement. I do not want to impose anything on Simhakshetra, Tara. Rana Sa's plate is already full as it is, I voiced my insecurities.

Please do not think so, Saudamini, you are family and for us, family comes first no matter what, still, if you are hesitant to talk to Bapusa, why don't you ask Shourya Bhaisa, his agreement would be equally strong and influential, she suggested. That seemed like a good idea. When I first came here, I was a little shy of talking to Jijaji, but our stay here for the past 2 months had changed our equation. He treated me like his little sister, so talking to him would be better.

So....what did Jiji tell you in the hut? Tara teased me while I was writing the invite.

I blushed and falsely admonished her, For the hundredth time, Tara, you asked me this a hundred times since the past week, I've already told you everything, she asked me to calm down, massaged my ankle and twisted and fixed it, though it wasn't entirely true. The fact that she called me Damini...our she had declared she was captivated by me....those were the things I didn't tell her yet. It was our secret, and I wanted it to remain that way.

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