Threat to Rudra's life

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Rudra POV - 

The bhojanalay's tablewas dotted with delicious dishes. We were yet to gather at the low height table and have lunch, but Bhabhisa, Tara and Rajkumarisa were yet to arrive, so we waited. Bapusa was telling me about the current events in the kingdom, but my head and heart were stuck in the moment the Princess and I shared, I couldn't get it out of my head and I could half listen to what Bapusa was saying. But somewhere in the corner of my heart, I was afraid....not of her, but the feelings she arose in me everytime we met. It was dangerous for me, I didn't think I could go through the pain again, I wanted to keep my distance, but every time she was near, my resistance would fade and I felt myself being drawn to her.

But was different.....something new. I took a leap of faith and felt so close to her. It was as if every change in her expression, those confusion lines on her forehead, the blush on her cheeks, the cute nose ring, her timid smile...she gasps...her innocent pleading eyes, which I felt were ignited with curiosity....the intoxicating smell of jasmine and rose from her neck...everything seemed have etched in my brain. Above all, her selfless concern for me. That struck a cord. I wanted to know why she had come....why she wanted to see me....I needed to know, but the bubble burst. I didn't know what she would think of me. A million questions ran in my head....Did I scare her....But she didn't protest or leave when she had the chance....But what if she started to have second thoughts..... UHHGGGGGHH....Why does she have an impact on me like no one else does......I sighed deeply with all these thoughts, turned my attention to Bapusa. He was telling me something about the ministers and I nodded along. We talked, while I made him laugh with my funny anectodes when I head a pair of distinct Jhanjar. 

Come on, let's eat, Bapusa announced and I looked at her. Our eyes met and all my anxious thoughts seem to vaporize only to be replaced by her. She looked at me....I nodded and smiled at her, she gave back a shy smile and looked down. I kept my eyes on her, but she didn't look at meShe looks so sexy when she does that....Man she is so beautiful, my mind screamed. We started our lunch, throughout which, I was occupied by Bhaisa and Bapusa's talks so we didn't have much time to look at each other, let alone talk. My entire concentration was focused on the new plans Bapusa had for the kingdom's development. Once we finished our lunch, Bapusa asked me and Bhaisa to accompany him since he had to discuss something with us. I took one final look at her and proceeded.

Bapusa, I feel we need to talk to our finance minister about funding the development of a new school for girls. I have had this idea on my mind. AN institution for girls, run and managed by women. The girls in our kingdom can benefit from it and will be independent. I suggested. 

That's a really good idea, Bapusa, I think we should go ahead with it, right ? , Bhaisa asked Bapusa.

Yes, Simha, you go around the kingdom and check for places where we can establish these institutions. Bapusa replied happily.

Ji Bapusa, I'll take Atharva and Bhadra with me. I'll speak with our finance minister Tilak Singh Ji and proceed. I'll get to work. I said. I have another suggestion.....Bapusa, I said apprehensively. 

What is it, Simha?, he asked furrowing his brows.

I feel it'll be good if we set up a main institution here in the heart of Simhakshetra first. Then gauging the response, we can expand it to all over the kingdom. Rest assured the plan will be ready regardless....but I feel it's better if we test it out first, I finished apprehensively.

She's right, Bapusa. We need to set up a test run. Why don't we do it in the Gurukul first. I'll go speak with Mata Arundhati, if she is ok with us running a test at Gurukul. Bhaisa chimed in. I looked at him, and he winked at me with pride. I smiled at him.

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