The Invite

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Saudamini POV-

Only when the chariot jerked to a stop, did my thoughts come back to reality. The moment we shared...our hands together....her intoxicating cologne...her strong, wide palm on the soft of my waist and the way she gripped it...leaving marks on me...everything was playing on a loop in my mind. Kritika softly held my hand, when I realised I had to get down from the chariot.

As I alighted the chariot, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was as if the palace had jumped straight out of Indralok. It was beautifully decorated with flowers, marble sculptors and plants and pots everywhere. Wherever I laid eyes, there were diyas, illuminating the surrounding with their light. We walked up the grand staircase, with the royal family walking infront of us, we followed them. We offered our prayers to Lord Vishnu, in a massive temple inside the palace premises. From there, we proceeded towards the maha-aangan, where the celebrations were being held. Everyone, from commoners to the council of ministers were present to celebrate with the royal family.

Jiji along with my parents , were being introduced to many people present there by Jijaji. I was walking with Kritika and Sitara, when we encountered a couple of our friends from Kanyaa-paath. Occasionally, my eyes scanned the crowd for a glimpse of Kunwarisa. She walked majestically among the crowd, with deputy general Bhadra behind her. Almost everyone stopped and talked to her and she seemed to acknowledge everyone with the same zeal. I couldn't take my eyes off her. He strong muscular physic, her sharp features, those strong shoulders, the broad chest...I thought of how it must feel to just be in her embrace...she would protect me from the world...just us....a hot blush reached my cheeks and I immediately tore my eyes off her and looked the other way. She didn't even look at me and I'm getting all these thoughts...reign them in Saudamini...I shook my head and continued my conversation.

So, Rajkumari Saudamini, have you been continuing your Bharatnatyam practice ? my friend Pallavi from kanya-paath asked me.

Yes Pallavi, I have been, infact I practice everyday. The journey to Simhaksetra and settling down here hasn't allowed me time to practice. But I will be resuming my practice as soon as possible, cannot stay away from my gunghroo for too long, I replied back with a smile.

Yes Pallavi, Bharatnatyam since the age of 5 and its been seventeen years and still, Saudamini has never missed on Bharatnatyam practice on her own accord, she is probably the best dancer there is, Tara praised me, and I blushed at hearing my praises.

Aisa kuch bhi nahi hai Pallavi, Princess Tara's accomplishment in the field of Classical singing is remarkable, and her knowledge on Raajneeti, I don't think I have ever seen a more accomplished debater and someone who has such good grasp on politics and working of the empire, I fondly praised Tara.

Waah Rajkumari Sitara, Your bade bhaisa crown prince Shourya is an excellent administrator. He is respected and feared by everyone. You are an accomplished Political advisor...your brother Princes Atharva and Dhruva...I have heard their financial management and development plans for the kingdoms and empire is unmatched. And your Jiji, Kunwarisa Rudrashwini...My heart smiled at the mention of her name....Her valor and courage is the talk of the town. Her successful campaigns at such a young age have glorified the empire. She's so accomplished and intelligent, Pallavi praised and continued, It would be an honor to be a part of such a family, She concluded, hinting at something.

Avashya Pallavi, please tell me if you find someone worthy....Saudamini...chalo, I'll introduce you to my friends here, Tara replied cleverly, held my hand and dragged me from there.

All these girls here are jealous. The reason they are here in the first place is to see Mrunalini Bhabhisa with their own eyes. Almost everyone here...kings...ministers dreamed that Shourya Bhaisa would be their son-in-law and their daughters dream of him as their husband. But when bhaisa declared his love for Mrunalini Bhabhisa and Bapusa announced his wedding, all of them were dumbstruck....fuming, She said contently smiling. I'm so glad Mrunalini Bhabhisa is going to be part of our family. I cannot imagine anyone else but her marry Bhaisa. She is perfect for him. I looked at her, teary eyed. The love and respect this family had for my Jiji and my family was over whelming. I hugged her since I couldn't put my emotions into words. She smiled at me and lightly patted my cheek.

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