Mosquito bites and secrets out

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Damini POV -

I want to get married to you, Damini, she said as earnestly as she could.

My eyes bore into hers, searching for any doubts or immediate second thoughts, so did she, but the only confirmation the both of us got was that we were ready.

I gripped her hand and smiled at her. I felt her sighing in relief. Maybe she thought I would be apprehensive, but surprisingly, even to myself, I felt I was ready for it.

She gave me the most beautiful smile, her love evident in her eyes and the way she slowly drew lazy patterns on the back of my hand.

We lay there , just looking at each other, staring....taking each other in, transcending the display of physical love, just pure devotion and worship towards one another.

She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes and threw her head back, giving me a delicious view of her neck and a peek of a collarbone.... My breath hitched.....I fought the urge to kiss it, run my lips on her neck...maybe leave marks like she did....I shook myself.... shocked at my thoughts....what was happening to me?

I need to leave, love. It will be suryodaya in a few hours and I need to get some sleep before getting back to the day, if I don't, then it won't be long before I blabber about our library encounter, she sighed, wiggling her eyebrow.

I nodded, understanding. I knew everyone would've guessed we would've confessed our feelings, but they didn't need to know every single detail of our encounter.

I understand, Rudra, I said gently cupping her cheeks, she leaned into my touch savoring it. I smiled looking at her serene face.

She leaned in and kissed my cheek and they instantly turned pink. I bit my lower lip, timidly, looking at her innocently.

Don't do that, Damini. You're making it difficult for me to leave you and go at the moment, she said with a groan. I gloated inwardly on the power I held over her.

She stared at me for one last time and pulled herself off the bed.

Sleep, my love. I'll see you tomorrow morning, she said and turned to leave the room and closed the door behind her.

I looked longingly at her retreating frame which vanished behind that door and sighed sadly. But soon, my head filled with the moments we shared in the library.

I could feel my cheeks getting warmer.


She wasn't even here and I was blushing furiously. I turned my head towards the window, looking at the moon outside, the moments playing in my head over and over again, finally I slept contently after days.

I woke up to the tapping on the window sill. It was a bird, tapping it's beak on the glass on it. I woke up to a bustle outside the chamber, a common sign of the start of a day. As I sat up groggily, regaining my composure, it took me a few seconds, when the events of the previous night flashed infront of my eyes, an impromptu smile adorned my face.

I got up and stood near the window sill, overlooking the grand gardens, playing with my hair lightly, events of the previous night playing in my head on a loop when suddenly,

Rajkumarisa, woh masa aur Ranisa....apko bulaa..... Kritika came barging in to the chamber, I was startled.

She stopped abruptly and neard me with caution, I quickly rearranged my dupatta to conceal the love bites Rudra had administered the previous night.

Rajkumarisa, you're not ready yet? Are you ok? She asked me with concern.

I immediately put a joyful countenance and answered happily, over enthusiastically perhaps,

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