Damini's solution

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Saudamini POV-

It had been 2 days since the assassination attempt on Kunwarisa. The entire palace was on high alert. Especially Kunwarisa's security, it had been increased manifold. Bhadra bhaisa was on constant watch. He and Sudhanva took turns to keep watch and head the batch of soldiers deployed for her protection. Every soldier's background check was ran before assigning him to Kunwarisa's protection. The Maha Mrityunjay Havan which had begun when Kunwarisa was hurt hadn't stopped. Ranisa hadn't moved from the havan kund. She sat there continuously for 2 whole days performing the havan. The priests took shifts to perform the havan, but Ranisa still hadn't budged. Her confidence in Kunwarisa's recovery was something which gave us all strength.

Tara Dhruva and Atharva took turns to sit by their Jiji, just looking at her with lost eyes. Their playfulness had vanished, replaced by lines of grief. None of them left the room. As for me, I sat beside her on a small stool, holding her hand. I never let go of it. I grasped it tightly, and for once, I yearned for a tight hand grasp from her., but nothing. She just lied there, unconscious, unmoved. The Vaidyas and attendants changed her clothes every 6 hours to prevent any infection. We were sent out only during that time, or else, none of us left her chamber even for a moment. As for Arjan, we just knew him and that surviving assassin were being interrogated thoroughly. I didn't want to think about him too. He was the reason the love of my life was at the doorstep of death.

I grasped her hand in my hands and just stared at her face longingly. Ladoo, kuch khalo, tumne kuch nahi khaya hai.....

I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at Jiji. I shook my head

Nahi jiji, abhi bhook nahi hai, I turned towards Kunwarisa and looked at her painfully.

Jiji took a seat beside me. Ladoo..... She called out, I turned to look at her

Bohot Prem karti ho, Simha se? She popped the question out of the blue. I looked at her and averted my gaze...

Jiji.... Main...vo...I hadn't vocalised my feelings to anyone yet, so i didn't know what to respond.

She smiled sadly and continued, you haven't moved from this chamber since the last two days, haven't had a morsel of food . You're at her bedside, holding her hand, closely monitoring her, making sure she gets the medicines administered on time, you don't need to say it, ladoo.... It's visible. I hung my head down, tearfully. I didn't know what to say.

Do you love her? She asked.

Yes jiji, I do... I love her , I said confidently, glancing at her.

Do you want to spend the rest of your life with her? She enquired.

Yes jiji, through thick and thin, I re affirmed. I felt my resolve building. Hope strengthening that she will recover and come back to me.

Then this resolve of yours will be your strength, ladoo, don't give up on it. She'll be completely fine. Jiji assured me. I smiled sadly. Though I was scared from within. The thought of losing her forever filled me with dread. I never wanted to feel that way... Ever.

I sat with her the most of the time. Only when Ranaji and Ranisa came in to see her did I leave my place. I didn't want them to know just yet. But they knew I was here from the past 2 days. The Vaidyas kept track of her health.

As days passed, the wounds on her arms and her back were starting to slowly heal, but she was still unconscious. The venom in her body was still strong, so it was fighting whatever medicines we were administrating. The wedding was nearing. Jijaji and Jiji decided that the wedding won't happen until Kunwarisa gets well. The wedding was still one and a half month away, still they had almost decided on it.

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