The duel in the practice ground and the idea

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Saudamini POV-

We listed down the number of guests we were to invite to the wedding. Since it was going to be held in Simhakshtera rather than Mohangarh, so we knew there would be a long list. Ranisa Durga joined us after a while. We sat there for god knows how long and talked about the wedding.

Ranisa and her entire family was really welcoming. She asked us not to be hesitant with the invites just because they were hosting the wedding and to invite our relatives whole heartedly for the wedding. We prepared an initial list. we would finalise it in a few days and the invites would go out. The list was pretty long, but I had to remind myself this time and again, this wasn't just a wedding- it was the wedding of the crown prince of Simhakshetra, the future emporer, so the wedding had to take place in that scale.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Sitara, JiJi, Kritika and myself got up and excused ourselves, excitedly discussing the various rituals we would be performing at the wedding, teasing Jiji occasionally. Alright you two....stop it already....there is still 5 months left for my'll finish everything today some for tomorrow and the next 5 months too...she blushed and joked. Bhabhi sa aapka shakal toh poora laal hogya hai...ab apne anumati dedi hai....ab 5 maas thak hum aapko chidhayenge aapko humein daantna nahi hai.....Bhaisa ko bhi boldijiye ga.....she laughed. Jiji shook her head and smiled.

As we were walking along the corridor, we could hear the sound of metals clinking together...people grunting....and someone laughing. What's this noise, Sitara? Jiji voiced my thought. She smiled and teasingly replied, That Bhaisa.....She looked at bhabhisa, who blushed at his mention....Dhruva the sound of it Veer.....and....she looked and smiled at me....Simha Jiji. I looked down timidly and smiled... biting my lower lip. she laughed at our reactions. Chalo....we'll go to the training ground. She held my arm and proceeded to pull me. I resisted....Tara...Masa has given me so much work....I need to get it done....You carry on....I tried convincing her.

Seeing Kunwarisa under normal circumstances was enough to awaken unknown feelings in me....physically as well....Seeing her all worked up and her true warrior self is sure to send me over the edge...I didn't think I could handle it. I tried my best to get out off it, but Tara persisted. Come on Saudamini....We can get that done later....we got time....we've been working since so long more work now, she huffed and pulled my arm. Chaliye na Rajkumari...Kritika pleaded, holding my arm. Haa ladoo, come on....just for sometime...we'll leave together, Jiji said. I couldn't say no to I nodded. Tara squealed happily and pulled me by her arm and sprinted. My Jhanjhars, echoing in the corridor.

We walked to the practice ground. I could make out 2 figures engaged in a sword fight from afar. one was in all white attire the other was in a red dhoti and tunic, with a small red angavastram on the neck, both of them had their hairs tied up in a bun. Two more figures were seated on the bench and one of them standing nearby, arms folded in the front. As we neared, I could make out Jijaji, engaged in a sword fight with.....Kunwarisa.  She was the one in a red dhoti. We took a seat on the benches, with Dhruva and Atharva, both of them looked tired and sweaty.....and a little beaten up. Tara hit Atharva or the shoulder and he winced in pain, groaning loudly....Kya hua Atharva? she asked with concern. Both Dhruva and Atharva glared at her and VeerBhadraji was smiling, standing behind them.

Hona kya hai Tara....pichle ek prahar(3 hours) se yaha hai. Jiji has been at it since then, first it was Dhruva....then me....she tired us both to forfeiting. Now Bhaisa has entered the he's the only one who can at least force her into ending it. Our entire body is aching....muscles are screaming...he said, massaging his forearms. I looked at the arena infront of us and I saw her. My breath hitched in my throat and my cheeks flushed. She was drenched in sweat. Her tunic was drenched...They had gone translucent....her tight vest underneath the tunic slightly visible. Her forearms....biceps....glistened in the sun. Her forearm muscles tightened when she gripped on the sword. I could make out droplets of sweat falling on the ground as she moved....swayed....ducked...jumped and attacked. I looked at her face. Hair which had escaped the bun landed on her forehead....Her face contorted in concentration. Her eyes never left her opponent. Her sharp features accentuated in the sun. 

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