Enemy still at large and the twisted ankle

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Rudra POV-

It had been a week since I had received the news of the traitor within us and I grew restless with each passing day. The reports yielded no clue whatsoever. I was in my balcony, reading the day's report in the balcony of my room. Bhadra stood there with me....as well as the leader of the Rakshak platoon, Abhimanyu. I read the report, snapped it close and threw the report on the table there. It was a moonless night, but I could clearly see the stars in the sky. The cold wind blew gently, but did nothing to quell the anger coursing through my veins.

HOW IS IT POSSIBLE!! WHY AREN'T WE ABLE TO FIND THE BASTARD...THE RAT AMONG US!!, I bellowed at Abhimanyu, who flinched. Bhadra looked scared too.

We're trying our best, Kunwarisa. But whoever it is, is really clever, our platoon is the most elite in all of Simhakshetra, we are searching for a breakthrough, even a minute one and we will find the person, Abhimanyu answered with his head lowered.

I looked at him with angry eyes and looking at his demenour, my gaze softened a little. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath in and exhaled completely, the anger coming down significantly. 

I apologize, Captain Abhimanyu, I patted his shoulder, I let the anger and stress get the best of me, I shouldn't have shouted at you. I know your team is working relentlessly for us, I told him softly. He looked up to gaze at me, relief washing over his face. And I know you will catch hold of that rat, I believe in your team, I said and he puffed his chest out and a proud look on his face,

We will find him, Kunwarisa, I promise, my team and I won't let you down. Your trust in us will be the driving force to complete the mission by hook or crook. he proudly said and saluted and left.

I slumped back on the chair, lightly massaging my forehead with my fingers. Bhadra sat in the other chair. I sighed deeply. With every passing day, the threat loomed large at our family and I wasn't in a position to protect them. 

We'll find the bastard, Simha. Don't worry, Bhadra voiced my fears. I looked at him sadly and turned to look at the vast black expense of the garden, my thoughts running amok. 

So, what's the plan for tomorrow? he asked, trying to distract me and cheer me up, and it did cheer me up. Because I'd get to spend more time with Rajkumarisa. We had successfully completed 2 classes and it was an instant hit. The gurujis and matajis as well as the students, loved our sessions. I taught the girls the basics of weaponry and warfare while everyone taught them subjects of their expertise. Since tomorrow was the last class of the week, we decided it would be something outdoorsy. I had planned to introduce them to actual weapon training with wooden weapons.

Well, tomorrow, it's back to Gurukul to teach the girls, I must say, their enthusiasm has encouraged us to put in more efforts to teach them. And tomorrow is an outdoor day, so I'm thinking I'll get them started on training with wooden ones. I concluded.

Hmmm...hmm....what are the others doing? he asked.

I shook my head, No idea, we'd know it tomorrow. With that said, he bid me goodbye and went to sleep in his quarters. I was excited and eager for tomorrow. What will she do? I hope she teaches the kids dance. I had never seen her dance and it would be awesome if she did. I knew I'd have my eyes glued to her. With her thoughts and a smile on my face, I went to bed.

We went to the Gurukul in the morning in the middle of the second Prahar. The students had already assembled. I took them out to the ground and addressed them on the benefits of physical fitness for everyone. Then I gave them all a small wooden swords to practice in. I asked them to mimic my movements. They were young girls, so it took them time to start copying my movements, nevertheless, they did. After about an hour of drill, they looked tired, so we gave them a break and while they rested, they asked me to to show the extent to which I can go with my swordsplay.

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