Dean's Death (Sam x Reader)

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Warning- super fucking sad.

Summary: Sam comes back to you after all this time seeing if you'd still want him. He's only back because Dean finally let go of this life and passed on.

Y/N's POV:
I never imagined this night like I had in the past ten years.

Sam on my doorstep. It's raining outside.

He's bloody. His hands, his shirt, his jacket. All bloody. He was staring at his feet. I can see the guilt written all over his face once I opened the door.

By then I knew... it was finally time. Time for Sam to be mine. With no interruptions... no hunting... no more Dean. How he looked up to his brother. Now for him to be... gone. It broke me.

"Sam?" The first words came out of my mouth. There was silence between us.

"He... He's dead, Y/N." Sam says, taking a deep breath. "I..." he got out before I hugged him.

"I know, just let me hold you." I whispered, holding him close. Sam was tense at first but after awhile he started to loosen up. He wrapped his arms around my frame hesitantly because of the blood. I was already covered in it so it didn't really matter. He pulled me close to him.

I can feel him start to tremble and before I know it, Sam was breaking down in my arms. He hid his face in my neck as he cried for a bit. "Let's get you inside, baby." I whispered with a frown. I fixed his hair. Sam sniffles and nodded a little bit. We shuffled inside the house.

Sam took off his boots. I locked the door. Sam took a look around my home. It was a bit different since the last time him and his brother visited me. Though, that was when Sam was in college and barely made the effort to explain who and what they were. I worked as a high school teacher.

"I know you aren't feeling okay... would... would you like to shower?" I asked Sam hesitantly. Sam took another deep breath. "I can wash your clothes-"

"Don't. Can-Can we just drink?" He asked me.

My heart broke even more. Sam wasn't the one to be a heavy drinker. "One drink couldn't hurt... but maybe another time. When you're well enough. I think if you drink now you won't be able to stop yourself from doing something stupid." I said. Sam stared at me silently.

"I'm sorry." I muttered. I looked down at my feet.

"N-No it's fine. I just... you remember all those times Milo got us drunk with Jess?" He chuckles at the memory of the four of us. I smiled. "You were so stupid." I chuckled with him. Sam shook his head. "Those were the good times, Y/N." He says.

"Really? What about your brother? How about we share some good memories of him." I suggested and came over to him. He looked down and frowned. "Not now, Y/N." He told me.

"Take a shower... please. It'll soothe your thoughts." I told him. "Only if you shower with me." Sam says. I nodded.

Sam and I had a complicated history. We met through college at the library. Jess was always wrapped around his arm. Then when he left with Dean, it killed all of us. The mystery. The curiosity. Sam was always a little stand offish. He was a good boyfriend to Jess but just always kept to himself. That's what made him so hot. Then Jess passed away. Sam came to me for some comfort when his brother wouldn't care to listen to his feelings. We slept together that night he stayed with me. After that night, I never saw him again. I always wondered if he regretted that night with me.

I helped Sam up and to my bathroom in my bedroom. I saw him start to strip and I did the same. I heard the shower get turned on by Sam. I was out of my clothes soon enough and we both walked into the shower together. I rubbed Sam's sides and held him close as the warmth of the water hit our skin.

Sam was quiet. He hid his face again in my neck. "I love you, Y/N." He suddenly says out of nowhere.

I pulled back. "I... I love you too." I smiled a little. Sam smiles back.

~some years later~

Third person POV:

Y/N and Sam had gotten married and were pregnant with their first child. Y/N was so touched by Sam and how gentle he was with her. Once they found out the baby was a boy, Sam immediately told Y/N he wanted to them after Dean. Y/N agreed.

~20 years after that~

Y/N and Sam had two boys and a daughter. First born son being named Dean, second born named Johnny, and their babygirl named Marilyn. The kids were all around the same age. Marilyn was about 16, Johnny 18, Dean 22.

Sam made the most of their lives normal. Y/N and Sam had a happy marriage. It soon came to an end when Y/N got diagnosed with terminal cancer. She had passed away shorty after they found out which left the kids and Sam devastated.

Sam played football with the boys. Marilyn watched from the side. She had a special talent to be a psychic. She could see and talk to ghosts. She saw Dean and Y/N often visit them from the other side. She was drawing Sam, Dean, and Johnny play.

"I never took Sam to be a soccer dad." Dean says, drinking a beer. Marilyn looked over at Dean. "Uncle Dean, are you jealous?" She teased.

Dean rolled his eyes playfully before a corner of his mouth turned upward into a smile. "Kid, you're gonna go places." He told Marilyn. He looked back at Sam and her brothers. "I'm so happy he got what he dreamed of." He mumbled.

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