Casual Affair (Jensen x Reader)

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Summary: Jensen and Y/N are having an affair through both of their relationships with one another. No hate to Jensen and his wife. Based on the song Casual Affair by Panic! At The Disco

-early on in Supernatural seasons-

Y/N and Jensen worked on the set of Supernatural. Jared was starting to have suspicions about his coworkers being together. They were all very cooped up together when filming in Vancouver. He didn't want to say anything until he actually caught something to have proof. He knew how good of a liar both Jensen and Y/N could be.

Danneel had been seeing Jensen less and less due to work and other things related. Sometimes Jensen's signal was crappy and their Skype calls would be cut short.

Y/N was Jared's cousin so she always saw him at family gatherings. Jared would always corner Y/N about how she felt about Jensen. Y/N would always brush off how she didn't have feelings for Jensen. Jared and Danneel saw how the two acted around one another. They were goofy and loving toward each other. Both have said numerous times that they did not like each other and that they saw one another as brother and sister.

Jared told Jensen he had a surprise for him and it would be here any day now. He saw nervous yet excited Jensen was. Though they didn't know each other for long, the Texas boys knew what one another liked.

Jensen couldn't exactly tell Jared that all he needed was Y/N as a gift. The two were keeping this a secret from everyone. Not really sure if they wanted to go through with it. And not to
mention that Y/N was in a relationship too!

Y/N and Jensen were a big disastrous mess. They needed to confess to their partners soon so they can be with one another.

But that wasn't going to be any time soon.


Jared's surprise was bringing Danneel to set for their little weekend break! He had everything set up to where Danneel would stay in his trailer to surprise Jensen later with.

Hey, a casual affair,
That could go anywhere,
And only for tonight,
Take any moment anytime,
A lover on the left,
A sinner on the right,
Just lay in the atmosphere,
A casual affair,
Sitting there, but don't you say a word

Y/N woke up in Jensen's trailer early that morning. Jensen held her close to his naked chest. Last night, they had told everyone they were staying to "run over some lines". Instead of doing that, they ended up sleeping together. "We can't say a word about this," Jensen reminded her. "We need to come clean at some point." Y/N looked at him. Jensen looked down at her. "I know... when we're done filming the season and have the big season party, we can come clean. Okay?" He told her. "Promise?" She asked. "I promise." Jensen kissed her head. Y/N smiled.

She then got ready in his bathroom. She had spent many nights in here with him. She was used to getting ready quickly. She said bye to Jensen to run towards the makeup trailer.

Jared watched as Y/N left Jensen's trailer. He snapped a photo.

Break involuntary ties,
A secret so the spies,
Could never find us out,
Stay for as long as you have time,
So the mess we'll become,
Leaves something to talk about

Jared sent Cliff to go pick up Danneel from the airport after tracking her flight. Jared headed towards the makeup trailer. "So... how did last night go?" He asked Y/N upon seeing her.

Y/N looked over at Jared in the mirror as their hair stylist, Stacy, played with her hair. "It went good. Jensen helped me really get that emotion of Renee's character into the scene." She easily lied to him. Jared hummed.

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