Breakfast Story (Dean x Reader)

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Summary: Dean makes Sam breakfast.

Dean was sound asleep in his bed before he felt quite a lot of tapping. The tapping he ignored and was happy when it went away completely. He moved a bit to get comfy in his spot again. He then felt someone shaking him. Followed by calling his name. He grumbled, keeping a hand on the knife he had underneath his pillow.

He finally opened his eyes to see two little ones staring into his. He immediately let go of the knife with a sigh. "Sam, don't do that." He told him. He took his hand from underneath the pillow and ran it over his face. He tried to wake up.

"I'm hungry, Daddy." He told him. Sam was five years old. His green eyes pleaded Dean to make breakfast. Dean finally gave in and sat up.

"Alright, alright." He told Sam with a smile. Sam ran into the kitchen with anticipation. Dean followed him and saw him heading for the pancake mix.

"Pancakes, bud?" He asked. Sam jumped up and down. "Pancakes it is." He chuckles. "Chocolate chips?" He asked.

"Uh huh!" Sam says, trying to get them for Dean but they were too high. Sam had a bit sweet tooth. Dean grabbed them and started to make the pancakes.

"When is mommy coming back?" Sam asked Dean again. Dean mentally sighed. He didn't like having this conversation. He'd given Sam the story only a handful of times. It was usually when he longed for his mother.

He looked over to see Sam holding a photo of Dean, Y/N, and Sammy. "Tell me the story again." He demanded.

Dean bit his lip. "Okay."

As Dean remembered it and how it happened:
~flashback of the story~

Y/N was pretty with her y/e/c eyes and y/h/t hair. She had a curvy body that made her very beautiful. Her facial features were ones that wouldn't let you look away. She was a beauty. A sight to see. Her personality was even better. She was funny, quirky, loving, adventurous, and loved messing around.

She was nine months pregnant. She knew in her gut that this upcoming hunt was going to be bad. She didn't want to bring up another paranoia for the boys.

The doctors already said she had a rare chance of surviving the birth. The way Sam was positioned in her belly didn't give them any chances to do a c-section. Dean and Sam were both devastated that they would lose Y/N to this child.

The boys and Y/N arrived at the motel for the night. The plan was to get more information on the case in the morning. They all were pretty beat. Y/N couldn't sleep because of the car sickness she got. Plus Sam had been kicking her ribs.

She took a shower and changed into her pajamas before coming back out to get settled into bed. Sam and Dean watched her worriedly and offered to help. Y/N didn't want any help. She got settled and tried to find a comfortable spot. She closed her eyes and rubbed her belly. "Dean, can you hold me?" She asked.

Dean immediately went over to her bed and got in. He wrapped his arms protectively around her waist. He rubbed her belly to reassure her. Dean was about to say something when Y/N opened her mouth.

"This baby is a blessing. Whether I'm here or not, you both have to promise me you'll protect them with everything you got." She told them both.

"Of course." They agreed. Dean rubbed her belly again. Dean waited til Y/N peacefully got to sleep. It took longer than expected but Sam was still up. He was watching stuff on his computer.

He looked over at him. "What are you looking up?" He asked in a whisper. Sam looked at Dean.

"How to raise a kid." He shrugged. "They have online classes." He told Dean. Dean sighed deeply. He was going to miss the way Y/N smelled. Her perfume. Everything about this woman he loved.

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