Flying (Dean x Reader)

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Summary: Dean's scared of flying and you comfort him. In reference to Season 1, Episode 4.

"It says here that the plane was in the air for forty minutes before it crashed. It left seven survivors." Sam says, his voice muffled. Y/N was barely starting to wake up in the backseat. She sat up.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Dean says with a smile. Y/N fixed her hair and pulled it back into a ponytail. "Any leads?" She asked in a tired tone.

"This plane mysteriously crashed and one of survivors claims that one of the passengers had black eyes. I think it's up our alley." Sam told them both.

"Yeah, okay. Can we get some coffee, please." Y/N says, rubbing her eyes.

"Well, since you asked so nicely." Dean says. Y/N rolled her eyes.


"You're gonna think I'm crazy." The guy says.

"Try us." Dean says. The guy looked at him. Dean flashed a reassuring smile.

"I saw him before he got on the plane. He was so nervous to fly... then during the flight he opened the emergency door like it was nothing. Just before he left, I saw his eyes turn black." The guy whispered.

The three of them shared a look.


They ran to the airport to stop the next flight with the current survivors. Sam and Dean tried to talk the flight attendant into not going on the flight. They pretended to be her heartbroken ex-boyfriend's friends. Y/N rolled her eyes seeing them hang up in frustration. "Good going, guys. She's still getting on the flight. We need to buy tickets and head to the gate." Y/N says.

"Yeah, let's go." Sam said, ready to take off.

"Wait, what?" Dean says, stopping the two. "We're going on the plane?"

"Yeah... what's wrong about that?" Y/N says.

"People are gonna die if we don't go, Dean." Sam tried to reason with him.

"I..." Dean says before whispering under his breath. "What?" Sam and Y/N say in unison.

"I'm scared of flying." He said it louder this time.

"Are you serious?" Sam asked him.

"It never came up! Why do you think I drive everywhere, Sam!" He snapped. Y/N took a breath before the two of them dragged Dean to buy tickets and race to the gate.

They got on the flight and soon took off.

Dean was holding onto his chair for dear life. "Relax a little, Dean." Y/N whispered. She put her hand on his hand. Bad idea. He immediately took her hand into his and it was almost bone-crushing how tight his grip was. He bounced his leg and took a deep breath.

Y/N took his hand and kissed it. "Relax..." she hummed. She then heard Dean start to hum his own tune. "Metallica, really?" Sam says on the other side of Y/N.

"Shut up. It helps me relax." Dean snapped at Sam.

Y/N giggles. She soon held Dean's whole arm close to her as she had her head on his shoulder. His humming had stopped and he was just admiring Y/N. Sam and Dean caught each other's glance.

You like her, Sam mouthed to Dean. Dean rolled his eyes.

Chicks dig me, Dean mouthed back with a smirk.

Sam chuckles and got up with his EMF to search around the plane for any suspicious activity.

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