Tippy Toes (Sam x Reader)

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Summary: Y/N asks Sam to get something down for her because it's out of her reach.

Y/N and Sam had been together for a while now. The three lived at the bunker and solved cases when they could catch one. Today happened to be one of the times where they got to rest and take the day off. Y/N had moved into Sam's room months ago officially and they were liking the new adjustment. Dean, not so much, due to the fact they would giggle and be up all night long talking.

They definitely preferred the long deep chats at night rather than hear Dean and some girl moaning down the hall.

Y/N woke up next to Sam in their bed and smiled. Sam was cuddled up into her and had his arms wrapped around her frame protectively. She thought to herself that she could either stay like this or get up and have the possibility of Sam waking up too. She quickly reached a decision when she had the urge to pee. "Sam, let me go!" Y/N whispered to herself as she tried to carefully get his arms off of her waist. Sam then turned over on his side away from Y/N. He pulled the covers with him, mumbling in his sleep. Y/N chuckles at his sleepy state and got up. "Finally." She mumbled. She opened their door just enough for her to slide out the room. She closed the door quietly behind her and bolted for the bathroom down the hallway and to the left.

She groaned internally seeing it closed. She got to the door and found it locked. A groan from the other side came through. "Sam?" Dean, Y/N immediately heard. "No, Dean, it's Y/N. Can you hurry up? I need to seriously pee." She says. Dean hummed. "Yeah, give me like five minutes." He said. Y/N started pacing around outside the door because the urge to pee had gotten worse.

"How long does it take for a man to finish his business!" Y/N huffed. Just then the door opened and revealed a very tired looking Dean. The bags under his eyes said it all. He got minimal sleep and needed his coffee. He was dressed in his robe with a simple shirt and shorts on underneath it. Then looking at his feet, they were replaced by some comfy looking slippers. "Bathroom is all yours. But be careful, it's stinky." He chuckles and headed for the kitchen.

Y/N growled and went in and sprayed Febreeze. It lessened the smell but still didn't justify it. She did her business and wiped. She flushed the toilet and washed her hands. She came out, feeling a bit better. She walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast and coffee going to see Dean at the counter reading his newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee. "You better not have used the last of my coffee creamers." Y/N warned him. Dean glanced up at her. "You don't scare me, Y/N. And before you say it, no, I didn't use the last of your coffee creamers. Chill." He told her.

"Right." Y/N says, gesturing to the empty box near the coffee machine. Dean shrugged. "Oh well. We need to go to the store anyways. Add it to the list." He told her. Y/N grumbled. "Matter of fact, I'll write out your grocery list." She says. "That's perfect." Dean smiled.

Y/N growled to herself and exited the room in search of a notepad. She found one and a pen to write with. She started to list some things they needed restocked for the few days they'd be at the bunker. She came back with a list and threw the notepad in front of Dean on the counter. He looked up at her, full attention on Y/N now. "Your list is ready. Now go and bring me back some coffee before I have some words with you." Y/N says, deadly serious. Dean gulped and nodded. "Yes, ma'am." He says and got up. He grabbed the list and bolted out of the room.

It wasn't long before Dean had left the bunker redressed. It wasn't good to see you angry and it wasn't even 8AM. Your anger can make anyone uneasy.

Y/N let out a breath of relief. "Glad that's over." She mumbled and grabbed out her emergency coffee creamer stash and made some more coffee.

She made some scrambled eggs for herself and made Sam an avocado toast. She heard the sound of shuffling feet and saw a very disheveled Sam. His hair stuck out in a few places and his eyes had red bags underneath them. He played with his hair before stretching. He then straightened up and saw Y/N in the kitchen. He smiled. "Good morning, baby. How long you been awake?" He asked her. He went to the refrigerator to get one of his infamous smoothies.

"Not long." Y/N replied short. Sam glanced over.

"Oh yeah? Where's Dean?" He asked, suddenly aware how his brother wasn't near. Dean was always awake around the same time as them.

"Out. I sent him on a supply run. Apparently we really needed some things." She says. She was eating her eggs and sipping her coffee. Sam came over and sat across from her. He sipped his smoothie. "Mm, I see." He mumbled.

"You sure there isn't anything I can do for you? You seem a bit..." He trailed off. He saw the look Y/N gave him. "Annoyed." He finished.

Y/N rubbed her temples. "It's just been one of *those* mornings. Nothing that coffee can't fix." She replied. Sam hummed. "Not even a massage?" He smirked, trying to be a tease. He got a slap on the wrist for that. Y/N shook her head. "No, and no-"

"Why not?" Sam eyed her.

"Your brother is going to be back very soon." She told him.

"So?" Sam chuckles. "Not like that stopped us before-"

"Please don't remind me. It's embarrassing enough to hear Dean try and mimic our role play." Y/N says, finishing her eggs. Sam chuckles.

"It was funny though." Sam admits. Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. "Not when it's *your* brother." She mumbled. Sam shrugged.


Dean came back with groceries and bolted to the garage. He claimed he wanted to work on Baby and give her a bath.

This left Y/N and Sam to put away groceries and get the kitchen clean. Dean was always finding ways to get out of their chore list.

Sam was wiping down the table when he saw Y/N struggling. She was trying to put away cookies that she knew Sam had a guilty pleasure for. He walked over and took the box. He put it on the high shelf and looked down at her. He smirked. "If you want a cookie, just ask your extremely tall and attractive boyfriend." He says, trying to be sexy.

"Wow... never would've thought needing your help for cookies would be..." She trailed off.

"Attractive?" Sam leaned closer to her face.

"Eventful." Y/N says. Y/N stood on her tippy toes and pecked Sam's lips short. Sam's smirk turned into a soft smile. "Look at you, cutie on her tippy toes." Sam says.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up." Y/N says. "Or I won't do anything nice for you." She warned playfully as she walked to get the other groceries.

Sam shook his head and followed to help as best as he could... and maybe even distract her again.

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