When I'm Gone (Castiel x Dean x Reader)

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Warning- SMUT
Summary: Castiel dies. Dean comforts Y/N.

"Cas! Castiel!" Y/N screamed as she tossed and turned in her bed.

Dean came running into her bedroom and sighing. "Not again." He mumbled. He came over and got Y/N to still in his arms. He held her protectively.

Castiel had been killed by the demon prince, Ramiel. Ramiel had struck Castiel with the sword of Michael and there was no way to prevent it from stopping.

It took a toll on all of them but it hit Y/N hard the most. Castiel had been her boyfriend after all. Dean and Castiel were just good friends. Dean took it hard too. Sam, not so much.

The events had been recent so the nightmares were slowly becoming worse and worse. Y/N barely got any sleep and when she did it was in Dean's arms.

Dean played with her hair and felt her relax against him. He enjoyed these moments with Y/N because he felt a connection to her. The same way he felt with Castiel. He felt more of it in Y/N. He couldn't describe it.

Y/N returned to calm sleep and Dean ended up falling asleep too.

When Y/N woke up, she saw Dean against her. He was shirtless and in his sweatpants. He looked hot. She blushed to herself. His toned chest reminded her of the times Castiel would pull her away for some alone time. Oh how she missed her Angel.

She suddenly felt Dean move and take Y/N with him as he turned on his other side. Y/N yelped at how strong Dean was. She blushed red.

Dean stirred awake. "Y/N?" He whispered.

"Dean? What are you doing in my bed?" She asked him.

"You had a nightmare last night. I calmed you down until you had peaceful sleep again." Dean says in a groggy tone. His morning voice was deep and sexy. Much alike to Castiel's.

"Oh... I'm sorry. I didn't realize-" Y/N apologized.

"Shh, don't apologize. We're all taking it day by day. Cass was a good friend." Dean told her. "Or boyfriend to you." He mumbled.

Y/N sniffles. "I can't accept that he's gone, you know? It's unreal that the one person I loved. An Angel. Has been taken from me." She says.

"I know, sweetheart." Dean mumbled in a sad tone. "Maybe we could go for drinks tonight. Just me and you and talk about the old times with Cass?" He suggested.

"Yeah... that sounds great actually." Y/N says with a small smile. She turned in his arms to stare at him.

They both stared at one another for a moment.

*smut warning*

That was before they both started to make out heavily. Y/N was quite surprised as Dean when they pulled back for a breath. Then they kissed each other again.

Dean and Y/N were quick to get out of their clothes. Dean lifted Y/N's leg up and slowly pushed into her. They both moaned at the contact. Dean started to set a slow pace. Y/N held onto Dean, barely being able to keep her eyes open. She moaned at every thrust.

"Fuck, Cass was keeping all this to himself? Lucky bastard." Dean groaned. Y/N gasped when Dean picked up the pace and pinned her down into the bed. The new angle and position caught her off guard.

"Fucking scream for me." Dean growled as he thrusted a bit harsher. His hands clawing at her hips. Y/N moaned louder.

"Dean!" She says and felt his fingers circle her clit.

"You gonna cum for me? All over my cock?" Dean whispered in her ear. He received whimpers in reply.

Y/N gasped as she felt herself getting closer to the edge. "That's it baby. Fucking cum!" Dean says. Y/N then felt herself let go and she groaned. She whole body shuddered. "Holy shit!" Dean says, watching as she squirted everywhere due to his fingers. He felt her clenching him dangerously.

Dean suddenly groaned heavily as he came inside of her. Y/N gasped. "No!" She says.

"What?!" Dean says as she immediately got off him. He was alarmed now.

"I'm not on birth control!" Y/N says.

"It's fine! I can get you some plan B." Dean assured her.

"I can't believe I just had sex with you and you came inside me!" Y/N scoffed.

"You felt amazing." Dean chuckles as he rested his head back on the pillow. Y/N cleaned herself up and came back to bed. "I want you to know I wanna be there for you. Not just a friend..." Dean admits.

Y/N put her head on his chest. She hummed in thought. "You'd do that for me? Really?" She asked in a soft tone.

"Yes." Dean played with her hair. "You're beautiful. I can't bare to see you sad all the time." He admits.

"Okay... we can do this." Y/N says after giving it some thought.

Dean smiled to himself.


"Take care of Y/N for me, Dean. I know she's going to be an emotional wreck when this is over. She's the one thing I need kept alive for as long as possible." Castiel told Dean. "You've always been a good friend to me, Dean. I may have been an Angel that didn't know everything but you taught me what it's like to be human. I thank you for that. Please take care of Y/N." He says.

Dean nodded. "Of course, Cass." He tried to hold himself together as he watched his friend smile for the last time. They both shed tears just before Castiel couldn't take the pain anymore. He was gone.

Y/N screamed in pain and cried loudly at the sight of him. Dean held her and kept replaying Castiel's words.

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