French Mistake (Jensen/Jared x Reader)

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Summary: Y/N is transported to our world with Jensen and Jared. Jensen and Jared are not married to Gen or Danneel. No hate to their actual wives. Kind of got this idea from another writer on Wattpad but you're pregnant with both boy's babies.

Warning- pregnant reader

Y/N was the only one to get thrown through the window. The director yelled "CUT!" The bells rang indicating that the scene was over. Everyone wrapped up the filming equipment. A man came towards Y/N.

"Erin! You did great!" He says, helping her up from her landing.

A/N: sorry if your name is Erin. It's a pretty name. Just imagine another name if Erin is your name already.

"Good at what?" Y/N asked, seeing Jensen stared at her. "You just did a scene going through the window. Are you okay?" He asked her. "You didn't bump your head did you? Jared will kill me." He says. He checked over Y/N's head. "What? No I didn't- Dean where is Sam? Why are you staring at me like that?" She snapped.

"Erin, calm down." Jensen says. He guided Y/N to sit down. "You do remember who you are don't you?" He asked. "My name is Y/N. I am engaged to Sam." Y/N says. Jensen's eyes widened.

"Woah... no... they don't even have that in the Supernatural script. What-"

"I came through the window right?" Y/N asked. Jensen nodded. "I must have traveled to your world and replaced... Erin or whomever you say I am." She explained.

"Well... if what you say is true... and that's a crazy coincidence... you're Erin Ackles. My wife. We have a poly relationship with Jared. He's your boyfriend. We both got you pregnant during a threesome one time." Jensen explained. Y/N blushed red. "Oh that is so weird." Y/N says.

"Yeah... so... my real name is Jensen Ackles. I play Dean Winchester in the show, Supernatural. Sam is played by Jared Padalecki. Your boyfriend." Jensen explained. It finally clicked.

"So... I have had sex with both the people that play my fiancee and my fiancee's boyfriend in this world? That's messed up." She whispered.

Jensen chuckled. "You really like it, actually." He smirked. Y/N stared at him and couldn't help but blush. "You're cute when you blush, E." He whispered, following your nickname. "Even more when you lie to me." He leaned in and kissed you. Y/N was frozen still, not knowing what to do. She blushed more. Jensen pulled back when he didn't feel Y/N kiss back. "Babe?"

"I told you... I am not Erin." She told Jensen. "I stay loyal to Sam... even when I'm kissed by his doppelgänger brother." She says. Jensen sighed. "Okay..." He says.

Y/N suddenly felt movement in her stomach. She looked down seeing a bump hidden underneath her tshirt. She ran to the bathroom. "Erin.... I mean Y/N!" Jensen ran after her. He followed Y/N inside.

Once in the bathroom, Y/N took off her shirt and saw she had a wrap around her big belly and she didn't have a bra on but her breasts were saggy. "Woah... haven't seen those guys in awhile. Hello." Jensen smirked as he stared at her chest and belly. Y/N gasped. "You weren't lying... I'm pregnant pregnant." She rubbed her belly. She felt movement in her belly again. "We're pregnant with twins so the writers are trying to write in how Y/N got pregnant one night so it can be a crazy yet sensitive episode." Jensen admits to her. "You won't have to hide your bump forever."

Y/N was at a loss for words. "But... isn't Erin scared of the birth? This is so scary... and heavy." She frowned. She glanced at Jensen. Suddenly a knock was at the bathroom door.


Jensen smiles. "That's Jared." He told Y/N. He opened the door. "Oh- hey Jay." He says and came into the bathroom with them. Y/N then blushed and covered herself. She saw Jensen lean over and whisper to Jared. Jared's eyes widened.

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