Announcement (Jensen x Reader)

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Summary: Jensen and Y/N are married. Jensen and Y/N find out they're pregnant and they make an announcement at a convention. No hate to their actual wives.

"Here comes Jensen and Jared!" The microphone announcer says. The crowd burst into cheers as the two men came out from behind the curtain.

Jensen and Jared were handed microphones. Both boys stared out to the crowd with big grins on their faces. They waved at everyone before sitting down in their chairs.

"What a crowd we got in here tonight!" Jensen says happy and loud. "I love seeing everyone who comes out here. It means a great deal to all of us." Jared admits to them.

"Um which side should we start with?" Jensen asked Jared looking at the two lines of fans. They started on their left. "Hi!" They both said in unison. A girl was at the stand.

"Hi, my name is Ashley, and I had a question for Jensen." The girl says shyly. Jensen just smiled in response. "If Dean ever did settle down, what would that look like?" She asked. Everyone clapped happily. Jensen hummed into the microphone.

"Something along the lines of working on cars, listening to rock albums, drinking beer with buddies, having a family with a women he loves, Sam keeping contact.... I could go on forever." Jensen says with a grin. "Dean has his place inside of me as a character forever. We think so much alike. Hell, ask my wife. She finds it annoying sometimes." Jensen chuckles. He got a few cheers.

"So anytime you do something she's gonna ask you if it's Jensen or Dean talking?" Jared asked. "Or are we gonna go with Nesnej?" He chuckles, getting a few people to laugh. "Nesnej is Jensen backwards by the way. It's when he's too many whiskies in." He says, making Jensen chuckle.

"No, but, I'm serious. I'll suggest something to do and she'll go 'is that Jensen or Dean talking?'" Jensen chuckles. The laughter then died down. Ashley stepped out of line, thanking them for answering.

"Hi!" They said in unison, turning to their right side line. "Hi, my name is Hannah, I had a question for both of you." She took a breath. "What was it like working with your future wives and would you do it all over again?" She asked.

Jensen and Jared exchanged some silent glances. "It was good for the timing that it was." Jared says. "Now I have to explain to my kids why Uncle Jensen killed mommy." He chuckles. "While you were holding her." Jensen pointed out, earning laughter.

"My first impression of my wife, I thought she was this very helpful and giving person. She still is. I'm very proud of her for that." Jensen earned some claps. "But, to answer your question, yeah, I'd meet her all over again in a heartbeat." Jared nodded, saying "me too". He got some awes. "Thank you." He told her.

They moved onto the next person and their question. "Hi, my name is Robert, and I had this question for Jensen." He says. Jensen nodded. "Speaking of your wife, there's been rumors that you guys are pregnant? Is that true?" He asked. The room went quiet.

Jensen hummed. He knew he was going to get this question. Y/N was starting to show and they had been trying to keep it a secret for so long because they wanted to find the right time to announce. They had decided shortly before the convention started to announce it. "It's funny you mention that," He says. Jensen got up from his chair and told everyone to wait a moment.

He brought Y/N onto stage who looked terrified, earning cheers. "Jay!" She whispered, hiding her face in his chest. "It'll be fine, babe." Jensen whispered back and kissed her short, earning awes. He turned them sideways. He held her hands and created a little distance between them. He lifted Y/N's shirt a little to reveal her pregnancy bump. "Because I did, in fact, knock her up!" He says. Y/N blushed red. A lot of people gasped, laughed, and cheered. He put down her shirt and rubbed her clothed belly.

"How far along are you again, Y/N?" Jared asked. Y/N took Jensen's microphone. "I'm six months pregnant. Can you believe it?" She says. She heard the fans gossiping and it made her smile. "Y/C/N finally getting her happy ending with Dean." She teased the fans. Y/C/N on the show was Dean's secret love interest. Then when the writers had no use for your character, they killed her off.

"Do we get to know the gender?" The fan, Robert, asked them. Y/N blushed and looked at Jensen.

Jensen nodded. "We're having a baby girl." Y/N says.

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