Costars (Jared/Jensen x Reader)

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Warning- smut, long read
Summary: AU world where Y/N is Jensen and Jared's costar. They end up having a threesome. Jensen and Jared do not have wives in this universe.

Y/N stared at Jensen and Jared as they had their backs turned to the camera and it was zoomed in on her face and body. Jensen and Jared have been goofing around and trying to get Y/N to break all morning. Y/N had had a rough night. She stayed up late to rehearse her pages and then didn't sleep well in her tiny trailer. She was really over the twos behavior, especially today.

Y/N ran a hand over her face. "Can we start from the last line." She asked the crew and then looked at Jared and Jensen. Jared and Jensen got into their characters again.

"Are you coming with us or not, kid?" Jensen's voice pulled Y/N out of her sleepy thoughts.

"Oh I'm coming with, alright." Y/N says and the two bursted out laughing. "What? What did I say that was funny? Guys!" Y/N was started to get irritated.

"Alright, five minute break!" The director called. "Y/N!" He pointed at her. Jared and Jensen's laughter died down when they saw the director and Y/N talking.

The director was chewing Y/N out thinking the improper line structure was making them laugh.

"Can you just stick to the script and say your lines correctly." He asked of her. Y/N nodded. She then went to get some water as she looked over her pages.

"Hey Y/N!" Jared jogged over to her. Y/N sighed.

"What's up, Jared?" She asked him, turning to him.

Y/N's relationship to Jared and Jensen was complicated. They were her coworkers that annoyed the shit out of her and then outside of work they were completely different people. They were real gentlemen. Y/N was still particularly new to the show. This was her third year filming with them. The pranks and child-like laughter never went away. She secretly liked that about them. Despite life and hardships, they found an outlet at their workplace.

"Are you okay? Didn't mean to get you in trouble back there?" Jared pointed behind him.

Y/N nodded. "I'm fine, Jared." She says.

"Did you wanna go for drinks after work? On me and Jensen." He offered.

"Uhm, sure." Y/N accepted the offer. She didn't go out drinking with the boys much. She could use a drink.

"We'll loosen things up a little." Jared promised and patted her shoulder. He then left to get back to Jensen. They both got back to set to start over where they were at.

A lot of people were starting to come back. Y/N took a breath, doing a quick glance over her script. She then ditched the script and went to the set area. She saw the two men.


The boys and Y/N ended up getting the scenes done for the episode. Jared and Jensen had kept their word to Y/N that they would give her a break from the pranks. Then the three separated to go get ready to go the bar.

Y/N checked her phone messages to see that her best friend sent her screenshots of how her boyfriend cheated on her with multiple girls. Y/N's boyfriend had been suspicious lately and she had her best friend have a look into it. Her best friend found out real quick that Y/N's boyfriend was not to be trusted. Y/N pressed the block button on his contact and took a moment to breathe. She thought to herself how this shouldn't have happened. She trusted him so much and he had promised her. She shouldn't have fallen for it.

She sighed and looked towards her closet. An idea popped into her head quickly. She ended up dressing into something that wasn't like her. She went with a tight black dress with a push-up bra and some heels. She put on her diamond earrings that Jensen had gifted to her for her birthday. She took a breath and put on the bracelet Jared gave her too. She did a half up and half down hair look. She sprayed her favorite perfume. She started to do her makeup. (Photo references from Google. Photo 1: her dress, Photo 2: hairstyle, Photo 3: makeup look).

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