Going Under (Dean x Reader)

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Summary: Communication issues between Dean and Y/N. Based on the song Going Under by Evanescence.

Dean was trashing the room. He was angry. Angry with Y/N. Y/N wasn't listening to him. She had launched herself between him and the monster and gotten hurt. Dean took offense to this and now it was his turn to take care of Y/N.

"I can't believe you did this again?!" Dean screamed.

Y/N watched him as he threw his temper tantrum. First Sam left and now Y/N not listening to him had him going crazy.

"I told you to be careful! And what did you do?!" He snapped.

"I saved you." Y/N stated.

"I didn't need your help!" Dean told her. Y/N felt hurt as he said that. Being Dean's girlfriend was a lot to manage.

Y/N felt herself being dragged down in the water whenever she did something for Dean. He never just thanked her for something she did. It was always dealt with a screaming match.

Y/N started zoning out as Dean kept screaming at her. "I can't fucking lose you." Y/N heard Dean say. "I can't live with myself if you die!" He continued. "Y/N, I'm just trying to protect you... us." He says. Y/N felt tears prick her eyes. "Please don't take this as something negative." He mumbled, running a hand over his face. "I need a fucking drink." He whispered under his breath. He saw Y/N was zoned out.

Y/N just kept reminding herself that he would just pretend to forget this fight with a few drinks. Y/N couldn't tell what Dean really wanted from her. She didn't know how much more she could take.

Dean walked over to Y/N and touched her arm. "Y/N?" He asked softly.

"I can't keep doing this. Stop with the screaming matches. I know you want to protect me but who is going to protect you? I need to be there for you too. Screaming at me won't help solve this situation. Maybe space is what we need." Y/N stated, moving away from his grasp.

Dean looked to her with a hurt expression. "You really want that?"

"It's either this or you drown yourself in alcohol and try to fuck me like everything's going to be just fine. I can't keep lying to myself how you truly feel about me." Y/N says.

"I didn't mean what I said. I was just mad. In the moment. Baby, please-" Dean pleaded.

"Space is what we need. Just for a few days." Y/N says. "We can reconnect after." She said. She picked up her things and left the motel room. She went to the front desk and paid off the damages for their room before getting a new one to separate from Dean. They were still working together whether they liked it or not.

Dean just sat down on his bed and put his head in his hands.

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