All I Wanted Was You (Sam x Reader)

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Warning- little smut

Summary: Dean, Sam, and Y/N are stuck working a case together. Sam's feelings resurface after years of being apart. Dean figures it out and bothers Sam until he confesses. Song for this chapter: All I Wanted by Paramore.

A/N: This is my FIRST ever request! I hope you like it! Requested by ahhhhhsupernatural

"Hey," Sam shook Dean awake. Dean groaned, hand to his gun underneath his pillow. He was in his Tshirt and shorts. Sam was dressed in his jean jacket and jeans from yesterday. "Bobby found us a case in Illinois. Cmon." He told him.

"Seriously? I was getting my beauty sleep." Dean whined and sat up. He noticed Sam's appearance. "Dude, did you sleep?" He asked.

Sam shrugged. "Didn't feel tired." He says. Dean noted the odd behavior from his brother. Sam handed his brother a coffee.

Dean sipped it tiredly. "Okay so keep talking about the case." He told Sam.

"Well apparently there's been a lot of mysterious deaths regarding their hearts being ripped out." Sam says.

"Yeah, that sounds like something up our alley." Dean said. Sam nodded.

"Bobby thought it would be something for us to look into. Get our minds off Dad." He told Dean. Dean hummed. He ran a hand through his hair, scratching his head.

Sam and Dean had been looking for their dad, John, and had barely any leads. Bobby had been trying to help them out but John didn't want to be found. Bobby thought this case would be good for the boys.

Meanwhile, Y/N was checking out of her motel from a wendigo hunt. She got a text from Bobby talking about the same case in Illinois. "I know these boys but maybe they could use your help. You're very good at tracking a werewolf without too many details." Bobby sent.

"Okay," Y/N sent back. Y/N was one of Bobby's friend's kids. Y/N's parents had grown up as hunters and raised her to be one as well. They died to ghouls a few years ago. Y/N stayed with Bobby ever since. The Winchester boys rarely visited them and knew about Y/N. They had met once or twice.

Both parties arrived in the small town of Illinois where these attacks were happening. There was a lot of farm land and woods. Y/N knew that this was the terrain for regular werewolves.

Y/N arrived at a simple looking motel and scoffed. She saw Dean's 1967 Chevy Impala parked not too far away from her car. It was a simple Tan Brown 2000 Pontiac. Nothing too fancy to drown her out. She went inside the motel to check into a room. She saw the brothers sitting in the lounge, reading the magazines.

Sam read about America's Digest and Dean was reading about Supermodels. Sam glanced up when Y/N walked in and did a double take. He nudged Dean. "Isn't that-?" He gestured to Y/N.

Y/N eyed them before talking to the lady at the front desk. She was given a key to her room. "Yeah it is!" Dean smiles wide, setting down his magazine. "Y/N!" He called over. Y/N turned her head towards them as her and the front desk lady spoke.

"You know them? Friends?" She asked her.

"Brothers." Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. "Thanks." She gestured to the key in her hands before making her way to the brothers.

"Sam, Dean." She says and they all hugged one at a time.

"What are you doing here- did you see the case?" Sam asked. Y/N nodded. She didn't want to give away that Bobby wanted her to help them. She thought it would decrease their egos.

"Yeah... crazy how we bump into each other like this." Y/N chuckles shyly.

Sam nodded. "Well, we're staying in room 317 if you wanna come over and have a beer sometime." He offered. Dean watched the two and saw the way Sam was looking at Y/N. He was surprised to see his brother like this after Jessica. Sam seemed really broken up about her. The nightmares had briefly stopped and now Dean can see how Sam has moved on. Y/N nodded. "I'd love to catch up." She admits. Sam smiles wide. "Great." He says.

Y/N went to go get settled into her room. She was in room 203.

Dean smacked Sam on the shoulder. "I'm so happy for you, man." He smiles at his brother. Sam gave Dean a confused look. "Um, what?" He asked him.

"Oh, cmon. It's so obvious you like her!" Dean says. "And you even asked her to come to our room for a beer." He wiggled his eyebrows. "I can give you time alone, Sammy-"

"Dean, shut up. I don't like Y/N like that. I offered that as friends. Friends that hangout. It's kind of a thing they do." Sam says. Dean rolled his eyes.

"Ask her out. What's the worst that could happen." He smiles at Sam again. Sam just gave him a bitch face like "really?". Dean chuckles. "Unless you're too... chicken." He says, seeing Sam's eyes widened.

Sam pointed a finger at Dean. "I am not chicken. And you know it." He says.

"So you do like her!" Dean laughed. "Aha!" He pointed back at him.

"Shut up." Sam says as they walked back to their room.


Y/N eventually joined the two men in their room. Sam got the three of them beers. Y/N appreciated the gesture. She smiles at the two. "Anything new with you two? Sam, I heard you had a girlfriend." Y/N says, showing some sympathy for the younger brother. "Sorry about what happened to her." She mumbled and sipped her beer.

Sam stared at Y/N. "Thank you... it's been tough but we all move on at some point." He admits. "Um, how-how have you been?" He changed the subject quickly.

"Good. Been hunting around. Bobby likes to find cases for me. And sometimes I fall into the next one." She says. Sam hummed. Dean excused himself to the bathroom as he winked at Sam.

Sam looked at Y/N. "Are... are you dating anyone?" He asked her.

"My, my, is a Winchester really interested in my dating status?" Y/N asked playfully. Sam chuckles. "Yes, I'm single." She told him. Sam looked at her hopeful.

"I've.... I've sort of have had this crush on you since the last time we met a few years ago." He admits to Y/N finally. "I brushed it off... hell, got a girlfriend to cover it up... but my mind still goes back to you." He told her. Y/N felt blush creep up on her cheeks.

"Now you're just sweet talking me-"

"I'm serious... I wanna be exclusive." He told her.

Y/N smiles. "Okay," She says. "Let's do it, Winchester."


Dean came out of the bathroom to an empty motel room. "Sam?" He called out confused.

Meanwhile Sam was being dragged to Y/N's motel. Y/N giggled like a little teenager. She pushed Sam into her room. He looked down at her with a smile. They reconnected their lips once inside the room and held each other close. Sam picked up Y/N and set her down on the bed.

The kiss was becoming more rough and he pulled away from her lips to attack her neck. He kissed down until he took off her shit which was blocking her chest. He stared at the sight of Y/N in her bra. He chuckles to himself. "I'm so lucky." Y/N smiles at him.


Dean saw his phone light up with a text that night from Sam: "You were right."

Dean smiled at the text. He knew what was good for his brother and Y/N was certainly good for him.

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