Giggles (Dean x Reader)

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Summary: Y/N cleans the Impala for Dean with a bit of help.

Y/N was up early due to the fact she was pregnant. Her bladder was always telling her to pee and it sucked. She fixed her hair in the mirror as she yawned. She was far along the pregnancy. She was about seven months. She had a round belly.

As for her relationship to Dean. Well, he was her husband. She fell head over heels for him when they met in a bar three years ago. That night they had gotten drinks and had some fun together. It resulted in Y/N becoming pregnant then and having their now toddler, Frankie. Frankie was a mama's boy at best. Always going where she went. He had Dean's green eyes and freckles but had Y/N's nose and lips.

Y/N got dressed slowly. She looked behind her to see a dead asleep Dean. He was sprawled out all over the bed. Like a starfish. She chuckles to herself lowly. She went to check on Frankie. She saw him awake, sucking on his thumb. "Hello." Y/N says in her baby voice. "Good morning, Goober." She tickled his sides, hearing him giggle. She giggled too.

She then got Frankie dressed and they made a small breakfast. Sam was sitting at the table with Frankie as they shared a bowl of fruit. Frankie kept stealing Sam's strawberries. "You like those, bud?" He asked. Frankie nodded as he chewed. 

Y/N smiles and finished making a simple breakfast. Eggs and toast. She put some butter on her toast. She had piled a lot on her plate because she was hungry. She ate and watched Frankie eat. "Mama, eggs." Frankie pointed to his plate. He ate with his hands. "Yes, eggs." Y/N responded with.

"You and Dean got any plans today?" Sam asked Y/N curious. "No, why?" Y/N says. Sam stared at her.

"Um, your calendar says it's your anniversary." He admits. Y/N's eyes widened. "Really? Oh my God!" She says happily. "Dean's gonna be stoked... I should do something for him." Y/N mumbled. The idea popped in her head: clean his Impala. She smiled. "I have the perfect idea." She says.

"Don't spoil it!" Sam stopped her, smiling wide. "If you need me to watch Frankie tonight too, I'm fine with that." He says. Y/N nodded. "Thanks, Sam."

He nodded and got up. He went to clean his dishes and then leave the room. Frankie started to play with his food, bored.

Y/N got Frankie to eat a few more bites before he was done trying.

Y/N finished her food before doing their dishes. She saw Frankie playing by her feet. "Mama, big belly." He says, looking up at her bump. Y/N chuckles. "Your little brother or sister is in there." She says. They didn't want to know the gender before her due date so it was kept a secret.

Y/N and Frankie soon went to the garage where Dean's Baby stood proudly. It was a bit dirty from the last time they went out. She got the vacuum, some cleaning supplies, rags, and a hose to start the process.

Y/N turned on some rock station while they cleaned Dean's car. She hummed as she did the interior first. There were a lot of crumbs in the backseat where Frankie's car seat was. Y/N hummed, seeing Frankie attempt to wash Dean's car. He did the best he could with his little hand. She smiles fondly.

She then heard some steps and they stopped at the doorframe. "And what's this?" Dean says in his morning voice. Frankie looked over. "Dada!" He giggles at his appearance. Dean had messy hair and his pajamas still on. Y/N smiles. "Good morning, sleepyhead." She says. "We're just doing a little something for you."

"Anniversary!" Frankie blurted. Dean blinked.

"Sam mentioned it's our anniversary today." Y/N admits to Dean. "I didn't want to do anything big. I thought-"

"This is perfect, baby. I love watching you get all wet from cleaning my Baby." He says. Y/N chuckles.

"Of course you do." She says. Dean came over and wrapped his arms around her and her bump. "I'm still taking you out to eat. You and little monster must be hungry." He rubbed her belly.

"Yeah." Y/N says before they both shared a kiss.

"Ew! Dada, cooties!" Dean chuckles at Frankie's exclaim.

"Happy anniversary, babe." Y/N whispered, laying her head on his shoulder.

"Happy anniversary." Dean kissed her head.

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