Castiel's Nephilim (Castiel x Reader)

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Summary: Y/N and Castiel have a baby. This just goes through the struggles of being a parent.

Y/N had given birth not too long ago. Castiel was losing you. "Y/N! Y/N..." Castiel says worriedly. He was holding you as Dean and Sam cleaned off your newborn child. "Sam! Dean!" He called out as he kept healing your wounds but they kept opening up again.

"Baby..." you mumbled. "We knew this was going to happen... and that it would be dangerous... can you promise me you'll protect them?" You asked Castiel. Castiel felt water forming in his eyes before his cheeks were soaked with tears. "Y/N..." he says with a frown. "Cass..." I mumbled half awake.

"Stay with me... Dean! Sam!" He called out again. Dean ran in and stared at you both. "Y/N!" Dean yelled, making you jump awake more. "Dean... help..." you managed to say before blacking out. "Y/N?!" Castiel says worriedly. Dean guided Castiel away from you. He scooped you into his arms bridal style. "We gotta get her to the hospital." Dean says, running you to the Impala. He didn't care about the blood stained seats.

He wanted to make sure you were okay. You were like a little sister to him.

~3 weeks later~

3 weeks is how long it took you to wake up from your coma. You had been out and monitored closely in the hospital. Castiel pushed the button to get the nurse. He had seen your eyes try to flutter open. It gave him hope. When they opened completely, his face broke into a smile.

"Cass?" You said in a hoarse voice.

"Y/N..." Castiel had been waiting to say your name for weeks now. "How are you feeling?" He asked as the nurse came into their room.

"I'm... I'm feeling better than I was before... where's our baby?" Y/N asked frowning. She looked around, seeing Sam not here. Only Castiel and Dean. "Sam is watching the kid... you need to take it easy... rest." Dean replied. He sipped his coffee, watching the two. He was mainly checking out the nurse who was checking your vitals.

Y/N groaned a bit. "When can I leave this place?" You asked them. "I wanna start spending time with my baby-" Y/N sat up.

"We can see what the doctor can do before deciding if you can go home or not." Castiel says and walked over to you. He placed a hand on your forehead. "You need more rest, honey." He says. Y/N stared at him. "What's wrong with me?" Y/N asked.

"You're just healing from giving birth. Your body went through quite a fight." Castiel explained. He leaned down and kissed Y/N's forehead. "I'll have Sam come by tomorrow with Beatrice." Castiel says. Y/N stared at Castiel. "Beatrice?" You repeated. "Yeah, she's been our little bumble bee." Dean smiles. Y/N then looked over at the window and saw it was nighttime. Y/N got lost in thought. Soon Dean got up. "I'll see you both tomorrow morning."

"Dean, where are you going?" Y/N asked worriedly.

"Visiting hours are over, sweetheart, I gotta go. Cass will stay with you. You'll be safe and protected." Dean glanced up at Castiel then back to Y/N.

"Promise me you'll come back with Sam and Beatrice..." Y/N says.

"I promise." Dean says and smiled at you. Y/N watched Dean go and looked back at Castiel. Castiel had on a nice smile. "I think you'll love her. She's... amazing. She's... just like you." He gushed about your daughter.

Y/N blushed. "Hey, I'm sure she's like you too." You found yourself saying. Y/N didn't really know if Beatrice was still a baby or not. Castiel didn't really break down how fast nephilim's aged.

Castiel stayed with you and held your hand. He didn't want to fill you in just yet. He wanted everything to be a surprise when you meet your daughter tomorrow.

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