Protection (Castiel x Reader)

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Summary: Y/N is Sam and Dean's little sister and swore on their last life that she needed to be protected. Without the brothers, Castiel steps in as her protector. To which, she catches feelings for.

Y/N woke up in her bed that morning. All alone. She was suddenly reminded of the events that had happened that week. Her brothers, Sam and Dean, were killed by the demons, Lucifer and Abbadon. It had been a crazy month. Abbadon had been brought back, the three had met their grandfather, Henry Winchester, Abbadon let Lucifer free, and together they broke Cain's blade.

The world outside was slowly going into Hell as demons were being let loose. Crowley had been on the run and Angels were preparing for war with Demons. Y/N and her brothers had tried to find a way to kill Lucifer and Abbadon but there had been no luck.

They were cornered and her brothers did everything to protect Y/N. Y/N could still hear Dean screaming out for Castiel. Dean making Castiel promise to protect Y/N with his life. Sam cried out to Castiel as well. "You coward! Fly your feathery ass and save them!" Y/N could remember her own screams echoing. Castiel had never showed up. Her brothers had died while Y/N ran for her life.

Y/N sat up in her bed with tears in her eyes. She got on a sweater as the bunker had turned cold. She made her bed. She wandered the halls. She stopped at Dean's room first. She could still smell him and imagine him sitting on his bed with his headphones on. Eyes closed. Y/N smiles at the thought of her brother. She looked around his room and chuckles at his pile of guns and porn stash. She slowly made her way to Sam's room.

Sam barely had anything in his room. He was a neat freak and everything was tucked away. Y/N took a breath, seeing his stashed photos of them all. Even some really old ones with dead hunter friends. She sniffles as she sat on Sam's bed. "We were the good guys... why did you two have to die? I'm scared. I'm always scared." She whispered.

She was taken back to a memory of Sam holding her. She had climbed into his bed after a nightmare. It was of Sam being possessed by Lucifer and him snapping their necks. Sam had to calm her down saying he would never say yes to Lucifer.

Y/N had high anxiety and barely did the action part of hunting. She always stayed back and did research for the boys. She never minded it. After all, they were family and knew how to have a good time.

Y/N took one last look at Sam's room before exiting it. His smell lingering in her nose. She walked to the kitchen and imagined Dean and Sam with their backs turned. Making Y/N's favorite pancakes and, of course, bacon. Dean would joke, say he's the meat man. Sam would look at him in disgust while Y/N laughed. Y/N smiles at the memory. She made herself a cup of coffee. Another memory popping into her mind of all the coffee runs she did with either brother. The mornings where Dean and Y/N would prank Sam or Sam and Y/N would talk about their favorite cases to do.

Y/N sipped her coffee and then got out some stuff to make a fruity oatmeal. She imagined Sam coming up and stealing some of her food to be a tease. She mixed up her oatmeal and sat down to eat it. The bunker was silent. This was the only place Y/N could be safe from the outside world. Or at least she thought.

She finished up her breakfast and went down the hallway to take a shower. After her shower, she noticed all the cuts and bruises she had from the fight. She tended to them and got dressed. She took a deep breath. She then heard movement inside the bunker. She grabbed her gun and Angel blade. She wanted to be prepared at all times.

She moved through the bunker slowly. She didn't want to make too much noise in her movements. She turned a corner and came face to face with three demons. She started to fight them off before she heard one of them scream. She saw a bright light and closed her eyes quick. She opened them to see Castiel had burned the eyes of the demons. She stared at him in shock.

He then noticed Y/N's stare. "Hello, Y/N." He says.

"Cass... we thought you were dead. You never answered our prayers..." Y/N says, starting to sound like Dean.

"Heaven needed a leader and some angels wanted me to take over. I'm sorry I left you all." He told her. Y/N stared at him in disbelief.

"My brothers are dead, thanks to you." She spat. Her eyes started to tear up. "They called out for you... and you didn't come. They wanted you to... to-"

"Protect you. I know. That's why I came once k heard there was a disturbance here. In the bunker. I am not leaving you again." He told her.

Y/N let her tears fall. "Sam and Dean wanted me to fix my mistakes. I thought that taking the role of leading Heaven would put us somewhere." Castiel explained. "You should lead with me." He told her.

"I don't know-"

"You're a Winchester. It's in your blood. You made Sam and Dean proud. We can make this right. The world... it's going to end if we don't do this, Y/N." He told her.

Y/N took a breath, staring at Castiel. "Okay... I'm in."

-time skip-

Abbadon held Y/N by the throat while Lucifer went after a few more angels. "We will be invincible. Once you are dead, I won't have to worry about another Winchester-" She suddenly gasped. Castiel had stabbed her with the sword of Michael.

She dropped Y/N and looked at Castiel. She was about to attack him when she exploded into dust. Castiel held the sword as he breathed heavily. "You okay, Y/N?" He helped her up. Y/N nodded.

Lucifer's eyes widened, seeing Abbadon gone. "No!" He shouted, getting the twos attention. "What have you done?!" His eyes glowed red.

Castiel stood in front of Y/N protectively. "This is it, Y/N!" He shouted.

Y/N turned Castiel around and kissed him long. Castiel was in shock but then returned the kiss. They both parted their lips before focusing on Lucifer again.

"Aw, props to the happy couple." Lucifer says playfully. He then put his hand out and looked at Castiel. He threw him to the side, having much more access to Y/N. He stopped in his tracks when he felt an Angel blade pierce through his skin. He looked behind him to see Crowley. Crowley smirked. "Miss me, darling?" He says in his accent. Lucifer's eyes glowed until he fell onto the ground. His broken Angel wings imprinted for everyone to see.

Castiel huffed and got up. He stared at Crowley.

"You're welcome." Crowley says sarcastically.

"Thank you." Castiel returned.

"Thanks, Crowley." Y/N says out of breath. She felt like she was coming down from an anxiety attack after almost being killed.

Castiel then looked at Y/N. "Are you hurt?" He asked her.

"I'm okay, Cass-" She was surprised when he pulled her into a long kiss. Crowley smirked at the two. Y/N and Castiel heavily made out while Crowley rounded the demons and angels. He announced the war was over and he'd be ruling Hell again.

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