Going to Hell (Lucifer x Reader)

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Summary: You are stuck in the cage with Lucifer instead of Sam.

Y/N's POV:

I woke up in a dark room. I sat up slowly as I tried to see anything. I heard a rattle of a chain move as I moved. I heard a chuckle. "Well, well, well..." I heard a voice say. Lucifer. "You're finally awake." He says.

He appeared out of the darkness and in front of me. I flinched and jumped back. "Woah! Easy! I'm not gonna hurt you." He told me, putting his hands up in surrender. He was in his usual attire. Same vessel as last time, Nick. "So what's a gal like you doing in the cage with me?" He asked. "Are you one of my fans? I love getting fan mail." He chuckles.

"Oh don't think too full of yourself." I snapped. "I came here to stop that fight between you and your brother." I explained and hear another groan.

"Oh you mean my brother, Michael?" Lucifer walked over and shined a light on him. Adam was against the wall across from Michael. They both had their own bodies. Lucifer chuckles at my face of shock and horror. Michael was beat up and bloody as he was tied up. I almost felt sympathy for the angels. Dean and I had a mutual agreement that angels were the worst beings.

"You like how he is? You could be next if you don't listen to me." He threatened me. "Aren't you all hot and bothered to see that sight of me?" I teased Lucifer. I swear I could've saw him smirk. He scoffed. "Little girl, I'm not one to be messed with." He told her.

"Yeah, right. All I see is some demon without his magic." I pushed him a bit more and he abandoned Michael and Adam's side. He walked over to me. "You think this is funny?" He asked me. "Oh, hilarious." I said sarcastically. He wrapped his hand around my throat. "Say that again with your pretty little mouth." He snapped. "Say it! I dare you!" He says, squeezing my throat harder and I see stars. He then let me go just in time for me to catch my breath.

I gasped as I took deep breaths. Lucifer chuckled at my face as it went from red back to normal. "You're fucking crazy." I say when I have enough breath.

"Thank you..." Lucifer says smiling wide.

Michael groaned suddenly. "Lucifer!" He says. "I demand to get out of these chains." He told him. Lucifer walked over to him, tsking. "Tsk, tsk, tsk."

"You didn't say the magic word." He joked.

"Please." Michael says. "Sure why didn't you just ask- no." Lucifer tricked him with a change of tone. I felt turned on by his dominant side.

"You think I'm just gonna let you out after what you and those archangels did to me?!" Lucifer snapped. "You locked me in this very cage for eons." He chuckles. "Now that you're in the cage with me, there's no going back." He says. "You're my little play toy." He suddenly turned to me. "As for you, you're gonna do what I want." He says. "And if you say no, there will be punishment." He warned.

"Give me your best shot." I snapped. He smirked.

"You'll regret saying that." He says.

-time skip-

In Hell, time is a lot longer than you think. Months turns into years really fast. One month was equivalent to ten years.

A lot of things have happened since I've been stuck in this cage with Lucifer. Michael and Adam have been tortured and toyed with as Lucifer wanted to know a way out of the cage. He wasn't getting anywhere with them.

As for me, Lucifer had made me his sex slave. I couldn't say I didn't like it. I've always loved rough sex. He gripped my throat just right and left bruises that went on for weeks. He was the one who could make me not walk for a week. He was just too good.

Is he a bad person? Yes. But I feel attracted to him anyways. And who knows, giving into the villain I can sneak my way free of this hellhole.

I was suddenly pulled out of hell after a session with Lucifer. I fell into Castiel when we were back on Earth. "Y/N, Y/N, can you hear me? Are you okay?" He asked as he did a check over of my body. He didn't understand why I had bruises and only on certain parts of my body. "Cass! Did it work?" Dean and Sam ran over. I looked over at them and saw both of their eyes widen. That's when I realized I was still naked. I hid inside Castiel's trench coat.

"Can we not stare at my body guys?" I asked with a slight chuckle. Castiel held me protectively as he shot the boys a glare. Sam looked away before hitting Dean in the chest. With that, Dean snapped out of his little trance and they both took a step back. "What happened to you.... Why are you naked?" Sam asked.

"Boys, I'm not talking to you while I'm naked. Can we get me some clothes please-" Dean was already taking off his Jean jacket and flannel. He had another shirt on underneath. How many layers do these boys need?

He handed the items to me. They turned around while Castiel helped me dress. He seemed unaffected by my body. He was more concerned than lustful. The flannel covered everything up to my knees and the Jean jacket was a bit big. "Okay, you can turn around." I say.

Dean and Sam slowly turned around. "So are we not gonna talk about the bruises we saw?" Dean started the conversation. I took a breath. "I was in the cage with Lucifer, what else do you want me to say? He's evil and likes to play with new toys." I told them. "You know Adam and Michael are still down there. Lucifer wants a way out." I said.

"So he tortured you too?" Sam asked. I nodded. "You didn't tell him anything right?" I shook my head. "No, he was frustrated how I wouldn't snap." I said.

"Really? Because I know those type of bruises." Dean says, staring at me. He had a lustful look in his eyes. "And those aren't from torture." Sam looked at Dean then back at me.

"Did you sleep with him?" Sam asked.

"I had no choice. He practically forced himself-"

"No, see, you had a choice. A choice to fight back." Dean interrupted. I stared at the boys.

"You don't think I tried that? He ended up chaining me down when I didn't cooperate. I had to cooperate to survive. Hell, it was already humiliating when he let Adam and Michael watch." I said. "I know you went to Hell, Dean. That doesn't mean you went through the things I did." I told him. I took a breath. "How long have I been gone?" I changed the subject.

Sam cleared his throat. "Six months." He says. "Oh my God." Dean and I say at the same time. "What?" Sam asked us. "That's sixty years according to Hell math." Dean explained. They both looked at me.

"Let's get you home with a nice warm bubble bath." Castiel spoke up and rubbed my shoulders. I nodded.

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