You're not FBI?! (Sam x Reader)

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Summary: Sam and Dean stroll into Y/N's town during a case. She works for the sheriff's office and suspects that the boys aren't actual FBI. Once catching them in their lie, it's too late. They'll have to work together to survive the supernatural being.

A/N: Based on request by @agoodbowiediet
Thank you so much! Hope you like!

Sam and Dean Winchester had been on the road for a long time. They had just finished a werewolf hunt and couldn't have been more exhausted. After the boys got some rest, which isn't much, they checked out of their motel.

They both were desperate for another hunt so Sam went to searching as Dean drove. Dean tapped his steering wheel to AC/DC's "Back in Black". He saw another exit sign come up and checked his gas tank to see it low. "We need to make a gas stop, Sammy. Find anything new?" He asked him as he took the exit. He glanced over at Sam to see him half asleep.

He slapped his chest and saw him jolt awake. "Well good morning, princess." Dean scoffed with a chuckle. Sam eyed him. "Find anything new?" He repeated. Sam cleared his throat and blinked a few times.

"Uh, no... I mean cases have gone dry. Maybe we need to take a rest." Sam says, looking at what he had.

"We both know that somewhere there's a damsel in distress." Dean says as he pulled into the gas station. He put the Impala in park. "Ya know there's more than technology. There's..." He looked around and saw the newspaper cabinet. "Newspapers." He pointed out. He got out, ignoring Sam's bitch face. He was occupied filling his gas tank as Sam got out of the car.

Sam stretched his legs and walked over cautiously to the newspaper cabinet. He took a newspaper and opened it carefully. He took out a pen and started to look. "You like crossword puzzles?" An older voice shook Sam. He looked up to see an older woman.

"Uh, yeah." He chuckles shyly.

"Word of the day is demolition." She told him before going inside the gas station's shop. Sam scoffed in thought. "I'll have to remember that." He mumbled.

He continued to search for any clues in the newspaper that he didn't notice Dean come up to him. "Sam," Dean pat his shoulder. Sam looks down at him. "Man, did that werewolf knock you on your ass? You've been kind of out of it." Dean says, concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sam reassured him.

"Okay, did you want any snacks for the road?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, just get me a few things." Sam says and looked back at the newspaper. Dean studied his brother for a second before going inside the gas station shop.

Sam noticed a title that caught his attention. A small town in Louisiana. Four people who went missing were found dead. With their blood drained. Vampires, Sam immediately thought. He folded up the newspaper and went back to the Impala. He waited for Dean to come out of the shop.

He looked up after a moment to see his brother holding all sorts of junk food. He groaned internally. Why, Sam thought. This is why I don't ask to get anything, He added.

Dean returned to the car with a wide grin on his face as he threw the snack bag at Sam. "Take your pick." He smirked. "I assume you found something." He added. Both boys put their seat belts on.

"You're right, I did," Sam says. Sam saw Dean give him a look. "I'm not admitting that newspapers are better than technology." He told Dean stern. Dean sighed.

"Fine, fine, what's the case." He asked him.


Meanwhile, Y/N was located in that small town in Louisiana. The sheriff assigned her as a lead detective on this murder case. She couldn't even begin to figure out what made all the victims have something in common.

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