Chapter Seven: Kimura

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"A long time ago, people with white hair or red eyes were declared "evil" by Leo's father. Nobody knows why he decided this, but his influence over Middle Earth and The Underground spread this belief all over the 26 districts. Because of this, many people with White Hair or Red Eyes were imprisoned or killed. My mother, Ki, was an advocate for justice for these cruel acts. She came from a distant land called Japan, because of her nationality any white haired or red eyed person became labeled as Japanese whether related to Ki or not. After Ki's initial fight for justice failed, she took to the underground and formed the 27th district that was full of these so called Japanese. She taught them how to fight like from her home country, how to cook food and just live in general. Leo's father was unaware of the district, until one day the Civil War started. A man from the underground, who bore red eyes and white hair, decided to launch an attack on Middle Earth and partly above the clouds. Their goal was to free Japanese from prisons, show the world how they are innocent people, and take down the clouds separating the real sky from Middle Earth. During this war, Ki worked with the man to bring her people out from persecution, and became great friends with him. After the war was over, 90% of the Japanese were freed. I think it was recent when Leo's father attacked the 27th, and killed my mother. That same night, Vee killed Leo's father and took down the 26th. Eventually the 26th came back to power after taking all of 27th's supplies, and Vee vanished from everyone's minds... and only came back to be captured by Leo."

"I appreciate the history lesson... wait...How the hell are you 40? The war was 20 years ago?!"

"I haven't kept track of my age, maybe I'm 20 maybe I'm 40 I got no clue."

"This is great information Niko, don't remember anything else?"

"The Kimura bloodline is split into three groups, I'm not an only child. You told me that your Ki was a ruthless leader, but had the heart to... captivate anyone who tried to mess with her. The 21st district is a calm place, I suppose I represent the calm in my mother. However, near the remains of the 27th there's a group of men and women who are fearless and vile, they're violent but at the same time protective and caring for the remains of the 27th. I do not know the name of their leader, but he is my brother... as for the third group. I have no idea, I had some idea that my third brother was Vee. I'm just not sure, maybe you could investigate for me Dove."

"This is all great Nico..."

"But yeah, that's my mom for you."

I reached into my pocket, pulling out Ki's katana out from a portal.

"How did that..."

"Does this seem familiar to you?"

She looked at it, the metal bulky sheathe with wood accents and gold handgaurd.

"No... sorry."

I sighed, dropping the blade back into a portal as I looked at my board. 

"Dove, you could go to what remains of the 27th and see if you can find anything there. There's a map of the underground on your phone somewhere, everyone has it. I have some work I gotta do, let me know when you get back."

"Alright Ki-.... Niko."

She smirked, walking out my door. The 27th huh? I pulled out my phone. The guy I stole this phone from actually had a map saved in his photos, it's the only thing I didn't delete. I looked at it, getting an idea on where to go. I looked at the time, should catch Derek and Carol before I go. I switched on my TV, taking a quick seat as they quickly came onto the show.


"The ERUN News Derek."

"Shut up. God. Anyway, today's topic is a big one! We've got one wild caller on hold for us! It's our one and only Professor Smith from the Institute of Gay sex or something, got no clue! Let's listen in shall we Carol? Hey shitass, you're live!"

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