Chapter Thirty-Five: The Next Akira

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Today was the day, today was life or death with Promise. We were gathered in the center room, my main family all siting or standing around a model of the stadium. Kibo guided us through her replica of Lunar Stadium. However, it was more like Kibo pointing at things and Brandon speaking to us.

"Her throne is at the center of the field, the stage where she performed. We'll need to parachute in from Mitsoro's chopper... hopefully Val's repairs will work out."

Kibo made hand signals to Brandon, all of which I could not decipher. He nodded, as if she was speaking to him.

"Upon landing, our top priority is restraining Promise... her fire magic is deadly. I know Dove wants her alive, so I've been up all night preparing this sedative. She'll be out in seconds, however if she becomes too dangerous... Dove is prepared with her axe."

"The last night we want is Promsie dead, the last thing I want... is her dead. She can be a major step in my job in this world."

"I've received word that Nico and Mitsoro are returning home tonight. They have my d-... they have her. Brandon, thank you for helping me back on my feet."

Brandon nodded at Fred, whose torn jacket seemed to flap without any wind in the room. He's refused to say that girls name... and it scares me. The room fell silent, and rightfully so. We were dealing with Promise, someone who beat all of our asses not too long ago, the one who murdered Emmy on live television, and worst of all... she's Williams daughter. Hawkins spoke up, kind of slamming his hand down on the wooden table.

"Cmon! What are we scared of? It's just some cocky, stuck up, bratty, little girl!"

I heard Vee snicker, he had been quiet this whole time. He had his blade close by, which he never did before.

"Little girl? At the rate she's going, Promise will be just like her father. A legendary gladiator who brought change to their corrupted world, for better or for worse."

"You're not exactly helping Vee... expected out of a wrist cutter like you."

Vee slammed his fist on the table, unlike Hawkins he didn't kind of slam it. 

"What'd you say to me?"

Vee had a wide grin on his face, his eye quivered as Hawkins looked over and exhaled.

"We're gonna have this short fused, rusty, arrogant little guy on our team? What ever happened to William being here?"

Vee laughed to himself, picked up his blade, and walked out the side door. Hawkins began to laugh, and now he turned to me with his arm over his stomach from his laughter.

"Dove, can you b-"

I absolutely clobbered Hawkins, in that moment I didn't care that I loved him, and that moment I cared more about Vee than my relationship with him. Brandon put his hands over his mouth, as Kibo watched like a movie.

"What is WRONG with you? Do you even know what he's going through?! It wouldn't hurt to care for someone else for a change?!"

Hawkins's nose was bleeding, and it looked like he was gonna cry. He looked around, and realized that no one laughed with him. He looked down, and sniffled.


He now sat down, wiping the blood as I grabbed my phone and dialed Vee. He picked up almost immediately, but didn't let me speak before speaking himself.

"I'll be back... I have a few loose ends to tie up, and a favor to cash in. You're lucky you have me around, don't fuck it up."

He hung up, and I sighed. I caressed Hawkins shoulder, half bad for what I had done. Fred broke the awkward silence.

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