Chapter Nineteen: Calm Before The Storm.

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Vee hasn't said a word in a while, I've only heard him speak once, and though his eyes glared a deep red during that moment... they've now faded to a dull blue. I parked my car, taking him up to my room I sat him on the edge of my bed. He just sat there, quiet and expressionless. He was wearing rags, his ears hidden from me. I dressed him in some black shorts, a grey cuffed shirt that tucked into the shorts, suspenders going over his shoulders. I gave him gartered socks and black slide on shoes. He looked at his new outfit, and decided it was okay. Though he didn't tell me... I could see some smile on his face. I heard someone walk in, and by the voices I could tell it was Hawkins and Brandon. I told Vee to follow, and he did so like a lost child. I walked down the stairs, greeting them both.

"So what happened Dove? We were waiting there for way longer than we expected!"

"I got caught up, sorry Brandon. But, I did get him... so it all turned out okay."

Vee hid behind my legs, trusting me over anyone else. 

Hawkins chuckled, now taking a seat on the couch as Kibo, Fred, and Nico walked in. While Fred and Kibo surrendered to the couch, Nico approached me and took my hands into her own.

"I'm glad you're alright."

She looked at me, a small smile as I too smiled at her. I nodded my head, her smile got brighter as now everyone sat down. Hawkins looked to Fred, confused.

"Ay, big guy! Where's the girl?"

"I gave her to Mitsoro, she actually should be here soon with her."

Fred was right, only a couple moments after Mitsoro came walking in wearing a ripped version of the dress we found her in. She coughed, patting my shoulder as she crossed her legs in a chair. The chairs and Couch were all facing me, I had the most influential people in the underground in one place. As everyone was chatting, I managed to get their attention.

"Ahem! Everyone! I thought you should meet who caused all the trouble! Cmon Vee."

Brandon was suddenly off put by the name, but he paid no more attention. Vee came out from behind my legs, nervous? I swore just an hour ago he had a knife to Leo's throat, but it seems now... he still didn't a word. Brandon had some questions.

"So how did you get him?"

"Oh so the first time I went there things went fine until I was taken by this big robot, and then I was brought to this strange cult, and I managed to escape thanks to a friend of mine, and then-"


I looked, I had everyone on edge, Brandon affirmed his question.

"Where did you get him?"

"From the uhm... the 26th?"

"Where. Did. He. Come from?"

"Oh! The Vulcanite?"

Fred jerked his neck, Hawkins outright screaming and tipping his chair back falling on the ground. Nico looked at me with her jaw dangling. Fred stood, his metal plated adjusting themselves with a mechanical whir.


Fred picked me up by the throat, a high pitched beep that sounded like a jet flying by.


Nico approached, managing to rescue me Vee sat on the kitchen counter.

"What's the big deal?! He's not... why are you all so afraid of these Vulcan people?"

Brandon approached, he sounded terrified.

"Dove, I get it. You're new to this world... but you could've just gotten us all killed! The Vulcanite... they've killed hundreds of people! They're the 7 most powerful people in Middle Earth!"

"7 most powerful? I wouldn't put them that far on your power list."

Me and Brandon looked to the source of this voice, and I saw William sitting with Vee side by side.

"Who... who the hell is this?"

Hawkins got off the floor, him and Nico walking to William.

"The Doves made an enemy of The Vulcanite, all of us need to split up."

"Why should we take orders from you?"

William looked to Hawkins, his golden eyes beaming a authoritative glare. Hawkins quickly stopped talking. William suddenly took charge, Mitsoro walking over too.

"We have trouble all over Erun, I need people to handle The Underground and Middle Earth."

Everyone raised their hands. William sighed.

"I want Mitsoro, Fred, and Hawkins to handle The Underground and stabilizing districts 21 to 25. Brandon, Kibo, and Nico will handle Middle Earth and securing the First District from Promise."

"What about Dove? And you? And The Vulcan?"

"His name is Vee, however speaking of The Vulcanite. I need Vee and Dove to start taking out The Vulcanite one by one, they pose too much of a threat."

"You're gonna make a Vulcan kill other Vulcans?"

"They either join or side, or face banishment to the same prison I was sentenced to. No killing, not yet."

"Fine then, I need to get out of here!"

Brandon and Kibo swiftly left, Brandon taking out his phone and calling Delilah as Nico waved to me goodbye. Shortly after, The Underground team left to handle things. Fred apologized to me, which was nice of him. Now it was just Me, William, And... Vee?

"Where is he?"

William looked to an empty chest, inside was Vee cradling random trinkets and fabrics as he was dead asleep. I chuckled, William now getting serious.

"Yes I know, cute cat boy- but we need to focus. First target on The Vulcanite is Vex, she'll more than likely join us. I need you to have a strong will, no matter what these people say... do not believe it. Got it?"

I nodded.

"Great, Vee's got the right idea. Get some good sleep, and later tonight we'll set out. Go hunting I suppose."

William dissolved into a golden dust, fading away back into my head as I went up to my room and collapsed on my bed. I didn't care about my dirty clothes, getting comfortable I hoped for a normal dream.

However these days,

What defines normal?

There's a storm coming,

But I've always liked the rain.

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