Chapter Fourteen: World is Mine.

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In a mere instant, masked rioters began to spread throughout the first district. As I ran down the streets in desperation, fires began to erupt out of the buildings. Cars were flipped over, police officers overrun and checkpoints blown through. I was blinded by a night sky full of smoke, the moon had turned a blood red. I looked around me, sirens and screens surrounded me as the first district quickly fell to the thousands of rioters. Police helicopters were quickly shot down, and the Rioters spread to the ends of the first district taking control of the three entrance gates to the district. My earpiece had fallen out, so contact with Brandon is crippled. As I ran though the streets, I saw a familiar face being tackled by masked rioters with knives. It was Emmy, her weapon out of her hands as she struggled to get the men off her. I ran in, kicking off one man and pulled the other off. I summoned my shotgun, threatened the two men as they ran off. I kept the gun out, holding out my hand to the girl. She looked at me, hesitation in her heart... but she took my hand and I pulled her to her feet. With her weapon returned to her, she instantly had questions about the situation.

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Promise sparked a riot, it's district wide."

"Damn it! That's exactly why she didn't ask for security, it bought her plenty of time to get her forces out the doors."

I nodded, as we began to walk down the sidewalk.

"What do we do?"

"We can't exactly fight all these people, and the last thing I want to do is make Promise my enemy. Where's your sister?"

"She's in the 12th, I'm glad she's far from here."

We eventually found ourselves back at the stadium, Emmy and I climbed back up the ladder. We returned to my spot where I was spying on the concert as I spotted Promise sitting on a royal throne on stage. People began to return to the open field, torches and guns in their hands as they praised her. She stood, outstretching her arms. She now wore the same outfit that she wore in my world, that black and red jacket with a sword on her hip. She spoke, her voice on mic.

"Have I not shown the world enough of my power?! I'm the only person who has the guts to step up to our shackles! I have broken the chains on the first district!"

That's when I realized, District 1 is in the very center of Erun... and in turn, the moon is directly over us. The giant glowing orb, which is now red, gleamed down on Erun. It was far out of reach however, but if you could fly it would take you maybe 20 minutes to reach it. Promise has taken control of the center of Erun, and who knows what she plans next. Every digital billboard that wasn't cracked or broken had Promise on it, she had the first district in her grasp.

"We've been trapped in the dark for years! Nobody has dared defy the reign of the Clouds! So you know what I say about that?"

She raised up a detonator, I have to stop this. She's gonna kill herself before she proves her point! I jumped off the roof, landing in front of Promise I sweeped her leg and she fell with a thud, the detonator skidded across the ground as the masked rioters now became agitated. I still had my shotgun slinged around my back, I quickly spin it into my hands and pointed it anyone who tried to get on the stage. Promise got up, Emmy remained on the roof as the jump would hurt her.

"Who the hell... The Dove? And here I thought... you were my top notch supporter, what the hells your problem?"

"All this fire and killing won't get you what you want, I know a lot about you Promise."

"Of course you know, I'm practically a GOD Dove! You cannot compare to me!"

Promise now pulled out a sword, it ignited into flames as she spun it around and pointed it at me.

"I don't wanna fight you, I need you to know something!"

She rushed at me, I deflected her blade with my shotgun. I wasn't about to shoot her, but I need to get her on the ground. A news helicopter flew high in the sky, it wasn't shot down because it wasn't affiliated with the EPD... I'm probably going on Derek and Carols show again. Me and Promise exchanged blows, but I kicked her back. I heard Emmy shout my name, as she threw her blade to me. I caught it, striking it against Promises blade of fire. I knocked her back, and now charged her into a headlock. With her on the ground, I spoke to her.

"I know your dad! I know where you come from! I know exactly what you are!"

Her face now shifted to a bit of a teary one, she managed to get me off as she now lit up in anger. Her body had an orange and red outline as she sheathed, focused her hands together like claws as she yelled out in pain. She looked to me, the sky turning a red and grey as my vision shook. She took a couple steps, and from the core of her body she shot a beam of fire straight at me. I was sent flying, right through the stadium walls and now crashing into the road still being pushed back by the attack. She's a spell caster... I now found myself propped up against rubble, with Promise slowly approaching. I was bloody and beaten, my breath uneasy. With her army behind her, Promise stood in front of her with her blade to my chin.

"You're no hero, and you definitely aren't who they say you are. What a shame... I had this whole plan-"

Suddenly a truck came charging out from my left, hitting Promise and braking. She was flung into a building with a crash as someone got out. My vision was blurry, but... it was Hawkins. He put his hand on my cheek, looking worried as other people got out of the truck. Nico and Fred began to fend off the rioters. Promise emerged, her whole body on fire now as she flew up into the air throwing down balls of cinder. I couldn't see much, the truck taking out a lot of my view. The ground beneath me rumbled, and before I knew it the ground collapsed and my broken body fell a coupe stories down into the tunnels of The Underground. The truck nearly crushed me, as the tunnel caved in and I was now trapped in an area of The Underground I didn't recognize. Do I die here?

In my seemingly final breath

I saw a blue haired person approach me

The Dove laying there with her wings clipped

And I heard the voice of this person, degrading me already 

"Well well well, how far you've fallen."

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