Chapter Forty-Six: Bitter, The Cold.

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The last night I wanted, was to fight Promise again. I just don't get it, she's so difficult! All proud me, fired began to rage. Separated from the outside, I relayed on my fists and my ability to control fire. Promise pulled out her shovel, that golden chain that seemed to never end. She whirled it around her, swinging it at me from a distance as I ducked and jumped over the rapid swings. Noticing I was advancing, she pulled the shovel back into her hand. Gripping at the wood with her strength, her fists glowed as the flat head began to spark and explode with embers. Swinging it by its chain again, a trail of flames hindered my advance.

"Can you stop?! You're being really annoying!"

Promise stopped, stabbing the shovel into the dirt as she gave me a dirty look.

"You should have never killed Vulcan! That was your first mistake, releasing me!"

"What did Vulcan do to you? You can tell me!"

She gritted her teeth, now extending her hand. From the embers of the flames, muskets appeared in the air beside her. There was hundreds, all pointed at me. They were old guns, with no stock and a long barrel. 

"I'll be surprised if you live this!"

"Yeah me too..."


The guns now began to fire, I quickly struck the ground with my foot making a rock pillar and took cover behind it. The hundreds of muskets didn't run out of ammo, they continued to fire until I heard Promise yell out in pain. I looked out from behind the pillar, seeing her clenching her chest. She's straining herself with these spells, in fact they're not spells... these are more like  Vee's sword skills. She yelled out, now rushing at me. She weaved back and forth, striking my stomach with her fiery fists. The areas where she hit burned, wincing at the pain I caught one of her fists and spun her into a headlock, something I learned from Hawkins.

"Give it up, I don't wanna fight."

"Get off me!"

Promise became intensely hot, I had to let go of her and she grunted and made distance.

"What's your problem huh? Why are you so content on finding me, on hunting me down?! Are you here to judge me, to try and kill me??"

She manifested two shorter muskets in her hand, running at me. She began to shoot at me, the projectiles were a red hot ball that seared my skin. Using my ability, I redirected the ball away from me. Promise was confused, dropping the pistols as they faded into embers. She was already gasping for air, stabilizing herself she unsheathed her long katana blade. She lit it ablaze, and immediately began to swing at me. The flames flew back and forth, nicking my shoulders and legs as I kicked Promise back hard. Another mistake, making her angry.

"I've about had it with you! None of my fights go on for this long!"

"I didn't want to fight in the first place, I want you to tell me what Vulcan did."

"Tch! The last person who needs information is you!"

She rushed at me, swiping her blade at me. I dodged, tripping her feet and letting her fall to the ground. She's inexperienced, relying on brute strength too much. I almost helped her up, but opted to make space. She got up, clenching her fists an aura of flames now burst out from her body. She clenched her sword, appearing in front of me in an instant. She was blazing hot, I couldn't react. She sunk her blade deep into my chest, blood splattering on her face. She turned the blade, slicing out of my body to the right, she brought the blade up and sliced off my left arm. Spinning she put a cut across my chest. I fell backwards, gripping at my absent arm. Promise stood over me, resting her blade on my chin. My eyes were getting heavy, as I remembered what William told me around the time I first met him.

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