Chapter Thirty-Four: Turning the Key.

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TW: Self harm 

It's too quiet, and not in a good way.

After that thing with William, my head has silenced. 

However, Ive been able to focus up now. We drove back home, the hole In the ground that we've been living these past few days. The fires still rage, but we need prep time before facing promise. When we arrived, Brandon and Kibo immediately started to get back to work on fixing Fred and weaponizing the seven sins. Nico was still out, but she's keeping in contact so we don't think she's dead. Vee fled to his room, he was clenching his wrist with a distressed look on his face. Hawkins followed me, to our room where I sat at the desk. He sat on the edge of the bed, hunching over.

"Are you doing okay Dove?"

"I'm alright, I've just been feeling weird that's all. It's like a world stood still, all the voices are gone."

"Well, maybe that's a good thing."

I sighed, and caught something in my eye. I looked to it, and it was the binder that once held all the information about my old world. I remember it fell into this world with me, and the head of Akiras mech. Maybe... there's a reason it fell with me. I picked it up and opened it to the first page, blank like I was expecting.

"I should start filling this out."

"Hm. Do whatever, we have a day or two until we're ready to head out again for Promise. I'm gonna go help Brandon with anything, good luck with that. Lo-... I'll see you later."

He closed the door behind him, and I heard him stomp out to the main room. What was he gonna say? No matter, I should pay attention to this. I started to write, whatever came to mind. I should probably explain what this book is...

After about an hour, I finished the introduction and a medium sized page about myself. I looked around, and found a camera. I looked around again for some tape or glue, and found it in my drawer. I aimed the camera at myself, and snapped a picture. From the bottom of the device, the photo slowly emerged, I took it and taped it onto the page. I closed it for now, but I'll continue to write in it as time passes. I sighed again, it was late. I say that, but it's always night. I got up and walked out of my space and into the main room. Kibo was sitting at the center, her face buried in thick books. She was asleep, and I laughed at the sight. I glanced over at Brandon, who was looking at a grant invention. He looked at me, and offered me over. I walked over, and stood back to see what he had created.

"This is our future Dove... it's for you."

It was a backpack, a central base that attached to your back with three jet engines at its bottom. Jutting out from its sides were two large wings that were similar to a birds, it looks like they could collapse into the center to make flight easier. 

"What's it for?"

"A plan of mine... a plan I've been formulating for a long time now. It's for later, the real project is here."

We turned around, to see the large battle axe that Nemesis once inhabited. It was cleaned, repaired from any damages, and sported new parts like support clamps near the blades and leather straps that allowed easier control and carry. I smiled, dragging my finger down its length, I sensed its power.

"I was able to infused the seven sins into this thing, but now it won't drive you insane when you try to fight with it. Its special ability, just like before, to transfer the sins has been upgraded to be more potent, reliable, and you only need to strike them once to transfer all of the sins into someone. It's for you... again."

I picked it up, the heavy weapon fell to the ground with a thump as I smirked and spun it around my back and into a fighting position. I opened a portal into my pocket dimension, and dropped in. As always, Brandon was fascinated.

"Your magic is amazing, power from your home world still works in this one."

"I've been labeled a spell caster, and I know magic exists in this world... it's just, endangered I suppose."

"Regardless, it's incredible."

I nodded, and began to walk off. Brandon talked to me with my back turned, my hand on the side of the wall that entered into the hallway with the rooms.

"Fred should be awake tomorrow, get some sleep soon Dove."

"Goodnight, Brandon."

I glanced to the couch to the right of the main room, and saw Hawkins sprawled out in a strangely comfortable position. I giggled, and walked to my door. I put my hand on the doorknob, but heard strange sounds coming from Vee's room. I turned, and quietly went up to the door. I heard him on the inside, he was breathing heavy and murmuring some phrase. I knocked on the door before entering, and almost immediately I put my hands over my mouth at the sight.


He had blood on his wrists, his blade near him. His teeth were grinding against each other, and his eyes were flaming red. He turned to me, and seemed to hiss at me. I kept my distance, as he maintained eye contact. The blood kept dripping, we both didnt move.

"V-Vee, what are you doing?!"

He sighed, and turned his body to now face me. He sat on his legs, and patted his thighs. I sat in front of him, his face didn't change expression. He picked up his blade, and now quickly put another slit on his wrist the blades length. I gasped, and outstretched my hands to stop him... but I noticed something. The blade absorbed the blood, and it was clean in seconds. Vee grunted, and now wrapped bandages around the gashes.

"It's a curse... after the war I fought to destroy Leo's father and the 27th, and during that time I was cursed by this woman... every blade I pick up is powerless unless I fuel it with my own blood, that's why I haven't been able to fight anyone these past couple of years- I didn't want to pick up a new blade, and suffer more. But now, you've given me a purpose... I have a reason to fight."

He began to cry, he did his best to keep his composure in front of me, but ultimately he fell apart into tears. I could see those red eyes fade into a blue, and his jawline slowly smoothed out. I could see his clothes wrinkle, as he mysteriously shrunk in his cloth. He folded into my lap, where he cried for what seemed like hours. I kept my hand on his head, gently petting it as he slowly calmed down. He took deep breaths, and asked me to leave. I nodded, and got up walking to the doorway. I stopped, hearing him say one last thing.

"Nico has her history wrong... but I'm starting to believe she knows that, and intends to spread her side of the past."

"Keep her in check..."

"After all...they once called me Death."

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