Chapter Twenty-Eight: More Humane, less Human.

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At that moment, the man made of fire lunged at me. He yelled out, his voice masked by the flickering flames as he scratched the air next to me. I was alone, Kibo was helping Vee and Hawkins... I need Williams help here.

"Can you do something!!"

"What's the magic word?"



"Fuck you!"

"We'll work on it later."

From the sidelines, William appeared. He walked behind Akuma, and tripped up his leg with a swiping kick. I acted fast, summoning the quickest and easiest water spell I knew. Akuma was drowned in it, his flames dying out as he fell to his knees and faded into a black charcoal dust. I looked to Vulcan, who slowly clapped.

"What a useless thing, here- you can have him."

He tossed me a small medallion, it was crusty and slowly beating. I pocketed it, returning to my fight.

"Give up and I'll make this fast."

"Oh okay."


"No dumbass, I'll drop you right here right now."

I retrieved Nico's sword, and now rushed Vulcan. I swung, and made contact with his hand. He blocked the attack with only his palm, swiping the blade away with a red smear. I brought the sword back, but he blocked it again. He smirked, grabbing my arm he pinched a particular nerve. I winced as my hand contorted, making me drop my sword. He kneed my side, and kicked me away. He laughed, on the floor I heard Brandon talk on comms.

"The EPD have dispatched to your location, you've got 5 minutes until they surround the building."

"Shit, that's bad."

"What's bad?"

"The cops are on their way!"

"Oh. You think I'm afraid of a couple cops?"

"Yeah, when there's hundreds of them."

He looked distraught, gritting his teeth he walked over to me as I stood up.

"Whats your deal anyway? All of the sudden, you just decide to go on and kill off all my children."

"They were never your kids, you just needed to hand away the seven sins... that's why you saved the strongest for yourself. You selfish pus-"

He kneed my gut, holding my hair back he looked into my eyes.

"You're nothing like the stories, my children must've been a new level of weak If they all lost to you."

"That's where you're wrong Vulcan, I wasn't alone."


To our right, Nemi ran up screaming. She jumped onto Vulcan and bit into him, she screamed and shouted and she dug her teeth into his skin.


"N-Nemi! Since when can you... appear in front of everyone?"


I got Nemi off of Vulcan, seeing as he was bleeding profusely and now a downed man.

"You asshole! This is gonna get infected!"

"All of you Vulcans talk so much... but you're always so easy to take down."

"Hah! I'm not done with you."

He suddenly rolled on the floor, popping up behind me. I spun, but I took a deep fist into my stomach. I yelled out, stumbling backward. Nemi gritted her teeth, and lunged at Vulcan. He grabbed her face, smooshing it he tossed her aside like a doll. I shook off the hit I took, groaning as I ran up to Vulcan. I weaved left and right, striking at Vulcan with my fists. Expect he was blocking each strike, even when I dropped to sweep his leg he kicked my shin with his boots. He dashed forward, gripping my neck. Neck... that's it, I laughed as he tossed me aside. 

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