Chapter Forty-Four: Like a Gentle Piano, That Dance of Sufferance.

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The first floor of the facility was empty, there was no one to combat us as we walked to a big gate. The steel door lifted with a buzzing alarm, as we entered into the visitor center and main hall. We took shelter by a window, and peering out we saw a ring around the exit... roughly 200 armed men with giant armored cars and rifles pointed at the entrance. There was one man standing in front, smoking a cigarette. Brandon patched Vee's bleeding wound, Vee had no weapon rendering him defenseless. Lilserm was grey, feeling the effects of combat and war as Brandon and I nodded and walked out the front. They won't shoot us, even to them we're too worthy. Multiple lasers were put on us, and the man at the front approached us. He kept his distance, and spoke.

"You've caused quite a commotion down here, the EPD personally asked me to handle this."

It was the man from the bar in the second district, slicking back his hair. Brandon spoke up.

"We have a hostage, If you want her to live then you'll allow us to leave without resistance.

"What's stopping me from shooting you right now?"

"I have a deadman's switch, I planted an explosive on her back that will detonate not only me and you, but everyone you see around you."

"You don't have a bomb, because If you did then it's highly improvised and made of scrap. Give up, you can't get out of here."

Brandon was caught, so I now took charge.

"If I beat you in a duel, you'll let us leave."

The man smirked slightly, and now walked forward spitting out his cigarette.

"Alright, let's go then."

He kept his hands in his pockets, as Brandon backed up. 

We circled each other, a bit of banter passed between.

"I've heard a lot about you, you're getting really famous."

"Wasn't I already?"

I lunged in, attacking his feet. He simply stepped back and hopped a bit away.

"Yeah, people really like you."

"I hope so."

He stepped forward at me, and flicked my forehead.

"Ow! Are you gonna fight me or fuck with me?"

"I wanna go home, can you just go?"


"Okay bye."

I turned to leave, but immediately I felt something was off. I saw the man that I was just talking about to step out of a black van and now stomp over. He spoke with anger, his fists curled.

"What the actual fuck do you think you're doing?"

The man behind me, shrugged and now disintegrated into dust. I turned back, the real one now fast approaching.

"What was that?"

He threw a fist at me, and I staggered back.

"I have to come all the way down here to deal with you? You're more important that what I have going on?!"

He grabbed my color, tossing me about. 

"You want a real fight? Let's go right now!"

"Tch, I'll be on the news tonight as the one who finally beat the dove to a pulp."

I whispered.

"If you're there Nemi, I need you right now."

I clawed my hand to the side, the massive battle axe now materializing in my hand as I swung it around. The man chuckled, and now approached. 

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