Chapter Forty-One: You Cannot Stop Me.

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This prison... isn't imprisoning. Sometimes I feel like I could just walk out of here, with no repercussions. I don't ever see guards walking around, and the one sided windows that lay for dormant above the decagon are lifeless. The 9 of us are the only people I've seen for about a week now, and I've had some time to do... nothing. Everyone here has some sort of job or goal, but I have yet to receive mine. This upsets me, because everyone else's has been given almost day one.

Hawkins was told to bartend, forming a center of commerce for the decagon.

Brandon was told to invent new things, letting his dreams become reality.

Vee was told to show Aethernick his power, almost like weaponization.

Samuel was the first to arrive here, he was told to establish a community here.

Pascal, while being rather unknown to me, was told to spread love throughout the decagon. However they interpreted it wrong, leading to what I learn about them from Sam.

Marlyn was told to act like a mother for the decagon, after losing her two children in the civil war she doesn't appreciate the mention of it when she is around. 

That little red girl, commonly known as Rev, was told to be herself in the decagon. From what I've heard, she struggles with personality in some way.

Molly, who I have yet to meet, is a very mysterious person. She was told to solve an old and very complex murder case, as she was a detective for the EPD before an incident that landed her here.

Every day has been the same, wake up and go eat in the center, go back to sit around my cube because I don't have a task, eat dinner, go to Hawkins bar but don't drink, and then go to bed In my stale bed. For a week now I've been in a perpetual boredom machine, and I've been aching to get out of this place. While the dead end isn't as tortuous as people have talked it up to be, Middle Earth without me is in grave danger. I'm particularly a super hero vigilante for these people, but they're unforgiving and unthankful. 

With my time here, filling out the empty binder from my world has been a task in my daily life now. I hope that this will find solace with this world in the future when I fully complete it, in a few years- considering the mixed history of this Erun. Brandon has been keen on avoiding me, while Vee constantly shoots glares at me with a disgusted and angry face, those purple eyes shining in the brightly lit decagon. Over the span of the week, Vee has seemingly disappeared for a good few hours. The guards haven't noticed, and I'm not a snitch, especially not against someone like Vee. I have a feeling he's planning something, something devious... something deadly. After the buzzer for breakfast, I made my way up the lift and to the center. Almost in unison, the 9 of us walked to the center. Like every morning, Marlyn took the role of distributing plates to us. Brandon and Vee were sitting as far as away from me, still sitting separate. I opted to sit next to Sam and Hawkins, as they chatted like gay men.

"How do you drink so much without blacking out Hawkins, your alcohol aptitude is remarkable."

"Heh, when you live as long as me you drink a few!"

"I'm... 63 years old."

Y-you don't look it."

"My kind ages differently, even if there's not many left."

Sam's ears were rather pointy, I think he's some sort of Elf. A remember of the world before that cataclysm about 100 years ago. I believe people like William have longer lifespans, spirits like him could be immortal. But... spirits are dead, like Nemesis- does that mean William has the power- ah wait, I just remembered. His physical body is still at the prison underground, he told me that I would need to make a great sacrifice to awaken his full power. I don't know what that sacrifice is yet, and I'm scared I won't know until it's staring me down.

"Kuro and Seven can't come down tonight, the first floor is having some sort of inspection.

That's another thing, there's multiple floors to this place. We're in the second floor, which means we aren't extremely dangerous, but if left unchecked could result in disorder. The first floor is where petty crimes are, things like shoplifters or major car accidents. Below us, the third floor, is where people like Promise reside. Very dangerous criminals that need constant surveillance, there's only three or four people down there. At the very bottom of this facility, lies a single prisoner. A prisoner so dangerous and powerful, that they needed a whole floor to contain them. Any information on this being is classified, and no one knows of their name or condition. I plan to get this person on my side, and to do that... I'm not sure. However, based on Vee's comments and composure this week, i believe he plans to do something outlandish today. He even has his sword on him, which he never brings to breakfast. Suddenly, an alarm blared. The lights went out for a second before they turned red and began to spin rapidly, the steel gate raised up as four men entered. Everyone was startled, grouping together.

"Everyone! Come with us! This is an evacuation drill!"

Just as suddenly, Vee stood up and unsheathed. He cut down the four men, stabbing them even when they were down. He glared at me, even with only one eyes turning to me, that red shined into my soul. He sheathed and now bolted for the door, I quickly followed. I wasn't faster than him, and now I saw him slash at the control panel on the inside. The gate slowly started to descend, sprinting toward the door I just made it by sliding under the thick door. It clicked, it was locked. Vee was already gone, as I caught my breath.

"Oh great."

I turned.


"I was hoping you didn't make it."

"I'm just as surprised you made it, look...I know you're mad at me, but I need your help getting to the fourth floor."

"Hah. You always have some bold plan that might not work out...I'll help you, but this doesn't make us buddy buddy . Come here. 

He messed with the mana dampener around my neck, it clicked and deactivated. He slid it off, hiding it in a storage locker by the door. In front of us was the lift to the third floors control room, from there we need to make it to the end of the third floor and descend to the fourth floors containment hall. This place is structured strangely, but fortunately I won't be alone in this.

"They'll be looking for us, we need to be sneaky."

"No shit dove, let's move."

We took the lift, descending down into the lower levels. We didnt speak to each other, as the lift jittered. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a strange cube. He fiddled with it, until it lengthened into the stock of a rifle. He did this for 3 more cubes, as they flipped and clicked together to form a rifle. He clicked back the slide, loading in a single canister of a strange blue liquid. He racked it, as it activated parts of the rifle clocked to lengthen. He checked it, the blue liquid spreading across the body. 

"It's non lethal."

I chucked, I'm happy he reassured me we wouldn't be killing innocents. I didn't have anything on me, but with my new fire control and overall magic ability I should be fine. We heard a scratch over the intercom, before we heard a voice talk to the whole facility. To neither of our surprise, it was Vee.

"I have planted explosives throughout the facility."

"If you want the staff of this facility to go home tonight..."

"Open the surface gate, and allow my leave."

"You can try and fight your way through this... but you won't get far with that."

"You cannot stop me."

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