Chapter Forty-Two: Look Into My Eyes.

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When you look into someone's eyes, what do you except to see?  Past? Future? Death?

When you look into my eyes, you should tremble in fear. Not because of the glow of blue or red, but because you're still alive to witness change.

My blade in hand, I took the lift closest to me down to the control room of the third floor. I wasn't here for Promise, or anyone else in that cell. I'm here for Aethernick, I'm here to kill him.

He's been behind it all, controlling me like puppet strings. I know for a fact he forced my mother out of the country, he killed Kibo and Delilah, and now he's keeping us here like pets. He has no right to control any of us, not even someone like Dove.

As the lift rumbled, I unsheathed. I looked at my blade, my eyes were blue... they should be red, or purple. People ask me all the time, why do your eyes change color? I have no idea, your guess it as good as mine. I think this mana dampener is holding me back, but my sword skills don't take mana, they're not spells. I'm not very fond of magic anyway, I think it deserves to be outlawed or extinct. 

The lift rumbled to a stop, as the doors opened. I walked out, looking around. No one was in here, I turned to the large window overlooking the third floor. I spotted the residents of the third floor, socializing at the center of a cube. There were only 3 people, including Promise. She had mana dampeners on her neck, wrists, and even ankles. The other people were hard to make out, but I could see what they looked like if they moved a bit. I looked up, the terrace of control panels led me to a microphone, this can reach out to the whole facility. I made my announcement, which led to the residents of the third floor to now scatter. The first to move away was a taller demonic creature, his limbs snapping into place as his long snouted jaw moved. He had 2 large horns that curled behind themselves, a thick layer of black fur on his neck that transitioned into a pure robotic skeleton-like frame. His razor sharp teeth had a hint of blood on them, as he walked away out of my sight. The second person to leave the middle was a woman in a fine brown suit, a slight green in her hair as she walked away with a sense of calm in her step. All three of these people have done something equal to murder, if not murder itself. I need to remember that below this facility, is somewhere I don't want to find myself.

I heard a clang, Aethernick knows I'm here. Thinking fast, I leap into the rafters above me and conceal myself above in pipes. I also heard the lift arrive at this floor, and in the smallest glimpse I could see Dove and someone else arrive on my floor. Fools, surely they know not to follow me like this.

"I'm sorry... about your family."

"Don't be... I had to think about it too much, and it's not your fault they died. We got trailed, it's all of our faults. Aethernick is the one who will pay for their deaths,  I want you to help me. I'm also sorry, for going off on you like that... you mean a lot to me, the little I know about you."

I smiled, dapping him up with an angelic slap, but our conversation was cut short by us arriving on the third floors control room. With a quick scan, we determined it to be clear. As Brandon further checked the are, I gazed down into the square perimeter. No one was around, even on the catwalks that led into the lift down into another floor were empty, every guard in this place is busy searching for me. 


Brandon jumped me, tackling me to the ground we hid behind a desk closer to the lift. He put his hand over my mouth, urging me to be quiet. He held me tightly between his legs with his back to the desk, he let go of my mouth and I stayed silent. Aethernick entered the room.

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