Chapter Ten: Creeping Discord.

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My knowledge of the history is... mixed. While I know enough to survive, my darkest questions are still unanswered. Who am I in this world? Where are people like William? What's it like above these clouds... 

I shouldn't worry about things out of reach, I have a goal that could be easy to grasp. I have two days until Promises concert, and if there's one person I know can help me get in and out easily is no other than Brandon. With Hawkins already on my side, I have a lot of confidence going above ground again. Those two girls from before are busy with other things, allowing me to slip through the shadows quite easily. I remember Derek mentioning the new checkpoints all over Middle Earth, and he was right. Helicopters, flashing red and blue lights, and guards are crawling  over this place. The skyline is filled with security, making my usual routes tighter than I'd like. Near a gateway to the first district, a rather large checkpoint is set up. Two lines, one for passing cars on the road and one on the sidewalk for any passing pedestrians. I can't go around, the buildings get too tall. I looked around for any way to slide though, and then my worst fear came walking out the stations door. The smaller girl who has a vendetta against me for no apparent reason, getting past is now almost impossible. She began shouting to the guards walking around.

"KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Doves been spotted around here!"


She put herself high, that blade on her hip as a gust of wind blew on the jacket that rested on her shoulders. It was a bit cold out, my black outfit hiding me well but I wish I was wearing more. Another topic, I gotta find some friends up here. Partly the reason I'm up here to get Brandon and Promise, but any ties I can connect to myself is something I need to take up. Maybe I can find someone right now to get me through this gate, not a chance. I've been sitting here for 5 minutes now, just trying to figure out how I get through this gate. 4 guards, and the girl. 

"Fuck it."

I pulled out the sword Nico gave me, swinging it about before launching myself at a guard taking a break. I crashed into him, his conscious instantly faded as I looked around. Three guards now terrified, and the girl taking point with that sword on her hip. I flipped the great sword around myself, now taking a stance. Two of the guards were unarmed, the other had a taser on a stick.

"Well well well, The Dove comes to me!"

"Tell your guys to get out of here."

She grunted, moving her neck to the right. The three guards now ran off, as it was now just me and this overly aggressive girl.

"Where's your sister?"

"None of your business!"

She rushed me, that sword coming out of its sheathe as it struck upwards toward me. She was sloppy, it was easy to put the sword up and block any of her strikes. She kept going, similar to how Vee used to get tired after he used his sword skill, and continued to exhaust herself. Sparks flew in the night, the warm street lamp light barely revealing our stances. She grunted and shouted, her silver hair becoming undone and messy. I shoved her away, she tumbled a bit panting. I tried to make conversation.

"You're not gonna win like this."

"W-what would you know about w-winning?!"

"Not much, I've had plenty of losses."

She shouted, the ground beneath her shattered as she gripped her sheathe and sword and bent a knee. As she unsheathed the sword, it glowed a golden color before it slashed at me with immense speed. Time seemed to slow down a bit, I dropped my sword as the strike barely missed me. The voice calling out to me again, warning me.

"There's a third party!"

Out of instinct, I kicked the girl away. A bullet struck the pavement to our left, but it would've struck the girls skull. The shooter quickly vanished, the worn out fighter looking at the bullet in the ground, then back to me.

"What are you?"

I thought, that's a good question.

"I'm The Dove."

"I'm... I'm Erserm... or Emmy..."

"Good to know."

"Are you... a killer? Are they truly who they say you are?"

"Who do you take orders from Emmy?"

She resisted, but gave in.

"A woman named Phlox from The Erun Manufacturing Company, they're cloud dwellers... never seen her in person, but she's the one in charge of the EPD."

I nodded.

"Answer me... Dove."

She was struggling to breathe, she was having a bit of a breakdown before me.

"Aren't we all Killers? The blood on my hands... isn't out of hate or evil. I'm here to find my family, whether you wanna start a revolution or take it easy- do it your way."

I took my sword, dropping it behind my back into a portal. I walked though the checkpoint, the girl not daring to follow me into the night.

Later that day, I managed to break into an apartment on the top floor in District one. It was quite nice, similar to the one Nico gave to me. I looked out the window, there was a large stadium to the northeast. I could see trucks arriving with supplies for the concert, and to the north was a rather large building. Not in height, but it seemed like a great contender for where Brandon works. Let's see here, it's Monday... and it's 9:58. I can catch Derek and Carol before I catch some sleep. I turned on the TV, switching channels as it turned 10.

"WEEEEELCOME to The Erun News at 10! I'm Derek!"

"And im Carol!"

"Here to bring you the latest news! What's been going on today Carol?!"

"It's official Derek, we have more news on The Dove!"

"That's right Carol, the talk of the town is back in middle earth! Only two days before Promises concert too! Is this just a coincidence or is The Dove a fan of the woman!"

"Speaking of Promise Derek, she's directly stated that she denied The EPD to provide security for her show! With no security, are we sure anyone is gonna show up the show?"

"I'm sure of it Carol, Promise has been big for well over 3 years now! Some say that her music has inspired millions across the 20 districts!"

"With all that out of the way, what do you think the future has in store for us Derek? With The Dove showing us that things could get a huge change, Promises concert causing quite the controversy, and now there's dozens of checkpoints in Middle Earth!"

"Well Carol, I think that things won't the same in these next couple of weeks. But we'll still be here, always watching. That'll do it for tonight folks, remember...

We'll always be here."

How... odd.

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