Chapter Forty-Five: Capture you or Set you Free.

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My first stop in my hunt for Promise is the main precinct of EPD, I want to talk to Lily about plans moving forward. Walking the streets of Erun honestly felt weird, people patted my shoulder as I walked. Passing cars allowed me to go first, it felt like every crosswalk was biased. As I walked, Nemesis popped up next to me.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm going to EPD headquarters, I want to speak with Lilly. Also, where has everyone been?"

"After you were connected with the other versions of Dan, we were all cut off from your mind. Akira has been helping us reconnect, so far it's only Vito and Akira himself."

"But I can't hear any of you... how come you're the only one who's actually showed up?"

"I'm not a memory, I'm still alive. Everyone else is just a memory from your world, and trust me... they're here."

There was an eerie silence, before I walked again.

"Okay then, that's fine."

Turning a corner, then behemoth of a building laid before me. A huge complex that was connected with skyways and fitted with multiple helicopter pads on its roof. I could see multiple take off and some land. I was awe struck, but I headed in regardless. Upon entering, everyone stopped. The entire precinct turned my way, until everyone was looking at me. In the distance, Lilly walked toward me, her eyes closed as always.

"Welcome in Dove, if you'll follow me we'd love to debrief you on what we know about Promise."

We walked side by side.

"Not everyone here likes you being here, but know that the majority consider you a hero."

"Y-you know I'm looking for Promise?"

"Who isn't? With the bounty on her head, even id be on the hunt for her. In here."

Passing a security fence we entered a wooden door into a large room with a long table. I immediately saw Luka and Amy, sitting by each other. However I also saw new faces, such as this boy sitting near the front. Wearing a black and grey uniform similar to a captain his jacket laid on his shoulders as he adjusted his hat and smirked. Also in the room was this woman sitting in the corner, wearing a large black coat that blocked most of her attire. She had blue beaming eyes, her hair braided into two pigtails that formed two circles at the back of her head. She didn't pay no mind, neither did I. I sat down near the front, as Lilly stood there waiting. Was she waiting for someone? I assumed Lilly was in charge now, I looked outside. My answer opened the door, as they walked in.

"Alright, let's get this done."

It was Vross, a quick smile appeared on my face...but he didn't smile back. Vross and Lily now stood at the front of the room, a small scale map of Erun on the whiteboard. It was drawn like a broken jigsaw puzzle, every district wasn't equal, and they each wrapped around in parts like pieces of a galactic map. Lilly spoke up to the people in the room, more appeared, common officers.

"Listen up! Last night, Promise broke out of The Dead end, and with the loss of Aethernick Erun is on the brink of another civil war. I will be briefing the nation tonight about the state of Erun and in memory of Aethernick. We believe Promise has laid low here."

She pointed at the board, but she wasn't pointing at the solid dot that was made in the 12th district, Vross gently stepped over and adjusted her finger.


Vross spoke now.

"We also believe her safe house is being guarded by armed men and women, but we intend to apprehend not kill. We have a guest here today, everyone say hello to The Dove."

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