Chapter 6

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"I cannot believe you never told me that you and Fitz finally got together." Biana stated as she sat onto the edge of her bed.
"I just... Fitz said earlier that you thought things would be awkward between us if I knew. And I don't understand why he said that, especially since I know that you've been pining for my brother for years."
Dex bit his inner cheek as he sat down beside Biana.

"... Fitz doesn't know that I've been pining for him for a while." Dex stated, not exactly lying but not exactly telling the truth.
"He asked me out, I accepted and he doesn't know that I have talked to you about him in a romantic sense multiple times before we got together."
Biana hummed, looking at Dex.

"... You're a horrible liar, you know." Biana said.
Dex blinked at Biana as Biana got up and she stood in front of him. Biana crossed her arms and Dex laughed nervously.
"What? I'm not lying." Dex smiled at Biana.
"Dex, we have been best friends for a while now. I've learned a lot about you." Biana said, staring at Dex.

"Fitz recently came out as bisexual and our father doesn't believe he likes men. What did my brother drag you into?"
Dex stared at Biana.
"... You're smart." Dex mumbled.
"Did you think I was stupid?" Biana smiled at Dex.
Dex sighed out as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Look, Biana... I--he asked me to be his... fake boyfriend." Dex stated.
"For a month. And... I just accepted it. Why? I have no idea. My gut told me to do it."
Biana frowned at Dex.
"Honey, this could end horribly." Biana said softly.
"Biana, please... I just... don't tell Fitz." Dex said softly.
"Plus, I know he isn't going to fall for me. It's the first rule he made up for this whole situation."

Biana furrowed her eyebrows, giving Dex a look which he didn't like.
"Sweetheart-" Biana began.
"I'm fine." Dex smiled at Biana.
"I-- it's to help him. Just... play along, please?"
Biana sighed.
"God, okay... fine." Biana said, running her fingers through her hair.
"Thank you-" Dex began.

There were knocks at Biana's door and both Biana and Dex jumped.
"Who is it?" Biana asked, looking at the door.
"I'm wondering why you stole my boyfriend!" Fitz called from the other side of the door.
Biana looked at Dex and Dex saw a lot of worry from her eyes. Dex smiled at her and Biana sighed.

"You're more than welcome to join us!" Biana called back.
There was a silence for a few moments before the door opened and Fitz looked in. Fitz looked between Biana and Dex before resting his gaze on Dex.
"... Everything okay?" Fitz asked.
Dex nodded. "Yeah, we were just talking."

"... Okay, well I want to steal my boyfriend back." Fitz said, looking at Biana.
"What, to make out?" Biana grinned at Fitz.
Dex felt his cheeks warm up and Fitz's cheeks turned red as well.
"Maybe." Fitz mumbled.
Biana looked at Dex and Dex hated telling Biana the truth so much at this moment.
"Ooh~ la-la~!" Biana exclaimed.
"Well, I wouldn't want to get in the way of my best friend getting it on!"

"I'm murdering you." Dex scowled as he got up, glaring at Biana.
"Awh~ I'm sure my brother will calm you down by locking lips with youu!" Biana grinned at Dex.
Dex let out a whining noise as he hid his face in his hands and he walked past Fitz. Fitz glanced at Biana before following Dex out of the room.

"Did you have to say that we would make out?" Dex scowled slightly, taking his hands away from his face as Fitz caught up alongside with him.
"What's the big deal?" Fitz tilted his head at Dex.
Dex stayed silent and Fitz frowned as they walked back to his bedroom. Fitz shut the door to his bedroom as Dex made his way over to Fitz's bed.

"I just... leave me alone for a few minutes." Dex mumbled as he laid down onto the bed.
Fitz made his way over and he sat by Dex.
"I'm sorry." Fitz said quietly.
"Is it because Biana was teasing you about it? I won't tell her stuff like that again-"
"Fitz." Dex cut Fitz off, shooting him a look.
Fitz stayed silent and Dex faced away from him.

Fitz laid down beside Dex and he gently wrapped his arms around Dex as he hid his face into Dex's neck.
Dex took a deep breath and he gently placed his hands over Fitz's. Dex gently fiddled with Fitz's fingers and Fitz didn't say a thing, slightly enjoying the sensation of Dex's rough fingers fiddling with his.

Dex wasn't sure how to feel about all of this. He definitely didn't mind being held by Fitz like this, but... Fitz was probably doing this so that if someone walked in, it'd just be 'proof' that they were 'dating'.

Fitz, on the other hand, had no idea why he was holding Dex like this. He felt like he had to do this. He couldn't just leave Dex upset and alone. He had to let Dex know that he was there.


Fitz didn't know how much time passed. All he knew was that Dex was asleep in his arms.

Dex had stopped playing with Fitz's fingers a few minutes ago and it seemed like Dex snored when he was asleep. Dex's snoring wasn't that loud horrible snoring, his snores were quiet and actually quite cute.

Fitz didn't want to move away from Dex either. Dex had said he didn't fall asleep easily, so... Fitz assumed that the only reason why Dex fell asleep so quickly was because he was holding Dex. Fitz sighed out softly as he rested his head on Dex's shoulder and held him closer.

Fitz felt at peace like this. Being this close with Dex was nice. Fitz felt his own eyes flutter shut and he softly breathed in Dex's faint scent. Fitz quickly fell asleep while holding Dex in his arms.


Word count: 1024

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